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Reload set for .45 auto

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Reload set for .45 auto - Page 2 Empty Reload set for .45 auto

Post by ser2711 Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:00 am

First topic message reminder :

Which the best and must accurate reloading press and dies for only one caliber: .45 auto
I reload only for precision bullseye competitions


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Reload set for .45 auto - Page 2 Empty Re: Reload set for .45 auto

Post by john bickar Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:08 pm

WesG wrote:Locked out of my place for about a month by the fire. No damage, just a little ash on everything. Fire burned right down to the hwy above my place. Couple houses on the other side of the 'neighborhood' burned to the ground though. Pretty sad.

I thought your place might have been in the "line of fire" up there. Tough news. Glad you are OK.

When you are back in the area, and we have opened back up to non-members, it will be good to have you join our "extra-special" group of idiots again. Who knows when that may be.
john bickar
john bickar

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Reload set for .45 auto - Page 2 Empty Re: Reload set for .45 auto

Post by WesG Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:17 pm

Nice to be considered one of the "extra special'. Thanks. I miss all you guys too.

On topic, i've got a strange urge for a Star 'someday'. I could say out of nostalgia, but I didn't really grow up around pistol shooting. I think it's more of a kinetic sculpture sort of thing.


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Reload set for .45 auto - Page 2 Empty Re: Reload set for .45 auto

Post by CR10X Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:11 am

Way off topic, BUT liked the "kinetic sculpture sort of thing"!  

For me its also similar to the experience of watching the ballet of a well programmed robotic paint / welding / machine tool line. Maximum efficiency of movement within the constraints of the machine points and piece being processed.  

Or the similar ballet of efficiency of a wood or metal craftsman performing exactly what is needed to create the outcome. 

Good performance, no matter what the medium, is art.  Crap, time to read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" again.


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Reload set for .45 auto - Page 2 Empty Re: Reload set for .45 auto

Post by Slamfire Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:47 am

The ten ring is four inches in size all the way to 50 yards, and yet, even with factory match ammunition,  and AMU and All Guard shooters all around, I have not seen a 100 at 50 yards. Saw some 98's and maybe a 99.

I don't think a reloading press makes that much of a difference for pistol ammunition.

I do like two different sizing dies on my Dillion 550B

1) Lee carbide pistol dies, because the decapping pin is locked in and does not come loose. RCBS, Lyman, the decapping pin holder unscrews, the pin gets loose, and you bust a pin or a spindle.

2). Dillion carbide die. Dillion designed a pretty good die. The decapper is spring loaded, which in theory should mean it kicks the primer out of the pocket. I have not noticed that it does that, as pistol primers are not that tightly seated in the pocket, so whatever "kick" the spring mechanism gives is hardly noticeable.  It is easy to remove the decapping spindle without having to remove the die from the tool head. I like to clean out all the residue when setting aside a tool head for the next caliber.  Gun powder and crud will cause rust, and I have seen it, so I dismantle as far as I can, wipe out wax, powder residue, and oil.

Dillion does have a NO BS warranty. I had a small rock in a 45 case, the Dillion decapper broke when it encountered the rock, and Dillion sent me a new decapper free. Can't beat free!

I have F Class buds who are absolutely religious about rifle loading practices. But I think for pistol, once you copy a good load, the highest priority is reliable ammunition that always functions. If you have a good load, and a good pistol, if you are not shooting 100's, its is not the load or the pistol.


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