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Help with .45 reload

Wes Lorenz
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Help with .45 reload - Page 2 Empty Help with .45 reload

Post by joeangi 12/5/2020, 10:56 pm

First topic message reminder :

New to reloading .45 ACP. I am having a problem with the bullets being able to be turned in the case, even after a crimp.

Basics of my setup: Lee turret press, Photoescape PTU, loading 4.0 gr. Bullseye with 200 gr. Brazos swc Bullets. I have the ptu set to where it just starts to bevel the case. I run aol at 1.24 and crimp at .65. Just made up 9 and noticed the on 3 the Bullets could be rotated by hand (easily). I tried tightening the crimp, and went as low as .60-just swajed  the lead, and the bullet still turned in the case.

Thanks for any advice.



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Help with .45 reload - Page 2 Empty Re: Help with .45 reload

Post by bruce martindale 12/7/2020, 9:00 am

They make a good resizer if you add a threaded bolt section with a pin in it.

bruce martindale

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Help with .45 reload - Page 2 Empty Re: Help with .45 reload

Post by Wes Lorenz 12/7/2020, 9:57 pm

I hope this thread shows the value of measuring and to realize not all tools are capable of making acceptable reloads. You engineers design products with tolerances and depending on the ability of the metal butcher making the parts they may or may not prove acceptable.
Alex stressed this also and he is nice enough to make & sell tooling to help us achieve higher scores, Thank you!
Blanket statements and hacking apart tools, as a machinist in my case, is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Nothing is ever the same or do processes repeat. That's why we have 6 Sigma.
Do Lee Factory Crimp Dies work in my case?, Yes, for around 30yrs. In yours?, no.
Measure on and never stop!

Last edited by Wes Lorenz on 12/7/2020, 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)

Wes Lorenz

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Help with .45 reload - Page 2 Empty Re: Help with .45 reload

Post by James Hensler 12/8/2020, 7:06 am

Wes I guess the blanket statement and hacking was meant for me. 

I have been an Engineer since 1992 so I have been taking things apart and putting them back together since. I will address the Hacking first. There is a machined shelf inside of the die body for the tungsten ring to be rest against. The ring is slightly larger than the diameter of the shelf. When removing the ring the die body is not hacked at all! I kinda take offense to the way you described what I said to do. There is actually a video on YouTube from decades ago on how to do this so this problem has been addressed before. 
Now the blanket statement 
If people have the ability to remove the bullet from a finished round and it is smaller than what they want there is a reason and 100% of the time it’s the ring.
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Help with .45 reload - Page 2 Empty Re: Help with .45 reload

Post by joeangi 12/8/2020, 7:28 am

Thank you all for the help. I am ordering a taper crimp die today. If I can find one in stock... I am keeping the fcd for loading jhp. I switched over last night and made a few jhp’s. It appears that the factory Lee setup works well for jhp.


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Age : 61
Location : Westchester, NY

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