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Mantis X question

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Mantis X question Empty Mantis X question

Post by xman 12/9/2020, 2:57 pm

I am considering a mantis X device for dry fire. I have read their website and the various posts here in this forum that refer to Mantis X. I normally dry fire with a wall anchor in the chamber of my model 41 and I was wondering if having the anchor in the chamber would still activate the mantis X device to read the point the trigger was “pulled”.

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Mantis X question Empty Re: Mantis X question

Post by -TT- 12/9/2020, 4:17 pm

Definitely yes. It senses the sound and impulse of the hammer and is quite sensitive.

Great dryfire tool.

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Mantis X question Empty Re: Mantis X question

Post by Tripscape 12/9/2020, 7:51 pm

So I got Mantis X3 about a week ago and just in the few days of dry firing I was able to improve live fire shots significantly.  Mantis on the gun, phone in the box, Samsung Galaxy buds in the ear, earmuffs over the ear, live fire with score announcement and visual on the graph. 

That said, 1911 hammer can be cocked directly for dry fire, M41 need to rack the slide to cock the hammer. Hewever, when you rack the slide you will be pulling and ejecting the plug unless you do very carefully to cock hammer before touching ejector (not sure if that's even possible). Sooo in short you will have a struggle on your hands. I will let others comment more, but from my perspective this is possible but not useful.

Mantis X will definitely respond though, it is waiting for audible click and records few milliseconds before and after the click.


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Mantis X question Empty Re: Mantis X question

Post by Ed Hall 12/9/2020, 10:30 pm

Tripscape wrote:. . . Sooo in short you will have a struggle on your hands. I will let others comment more, but from my perspective this is possible but not useful. . .
This depends on what you are using to block the hammer from hitting the pin or the pin from hitting the chamber edge.  There are several methods, some that work easily, others that take more effort.  Some ideas:

1: Insert an appropriately sized rubber o-ring in the slide right behind the firing pin.
2: Insert an appropriately sized piece of plastic behind the firing pin.*
3: Cut a small piece of refrigerator magnet and place it across the headspace.
4: Cut a small portion off the rim of a snap cap and align the cut with the extractor.
5: Cut a small portion of the rim off a spent case and align the cut with the extractor.

Just a few ideas that I have run across in my years of shooting. . .

* You may even find this of interest:

Trash Can Snap Cap

Ed Hall

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Mantis X question Empty Re: Mantis X question

Post by Tripscape 12/10/2020, 12:13 am

No 1 and 2 I am aware of. Mantis should still react to both. I mean it depends how much the rubber dampens the blow. Looks like system is reacting to sounds and/or sharp movement.

No 3 I've never heard of. Wow, now itching to try it.  4 and 5 same method differebt materials, also new to me.  Day live day learn. Thanks

I use drywall anchors, cheaper by the pound Smile)


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Mantis X question Empty Re: Mantis X question

Post by DA/SA 12/10/2020, 12:20 am

I've been using the rubber strip with a Marvel for quite a while now. 1/8" thick with a hole to fit around the firing pin.

Mantis X question Q6QGsEll

SCATT has no issues with it. In fact, I have revolvers that I can't use with SCATT as it "fires" when the cylinder lock "tinks" into place when using double action.

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