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Looking for a new powder scale

james r chapman
Asa Yam
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Looking for a new powder scale - Page 2 Empty Looking for a new powder scale

Post by beeser 12/19/2020, 8:54 am

First topic message reminder :

My Dillon electronic powder scale (older version) works fine but since reloading 32 S&W Long and 32 ACP find a need for something more accurate.  One of the annoying things about the Dillon is the constant zeroing required.  Any suggestions on a quality replacement under $500?


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Looking for a new powder scale - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a new powder scale

Post by SingleActionAndrew 1/12/2021, 11:20 am

radjag wrote:Sorry to be a "nay-sayer" but I just don't get this obsession to have a laboratory grade electronic scale for checking powder charges for pistol loads.

There have been numerous threads on the subject recently - some folks here also reload target rifle ammo - OK, if you are weighing every charge to a hundredth of a grain, fair enough, maybe!

But even for 32 cal pistol loads with charges as small as 1.4 grains, measuring charges to better than 0.01 grains seems to go beyond a reasonable tolerance. I've done several checks of 1.6 and 1.8 grain charges of N310 from several Dillon Powder Measures (with Dillon X-Small or Arredondo micrometer bars) and have found that the throw is consistent to within 0.01 as indicated on my old Lyman Beam Scale - and verified by 10 charge averages on a cheap (but said to be good for 0.001 grains) $20 electronic pocket scale. The pocket scale seems to warm up almost instantly and has been spot on every time I've done calibration checks.

Maybe I am deluded?

Radjag are you sure that your decimal is in the right place in the above post? You're able to consistently meter powder to the hundredth (0.01) of a grain with your Dillon powder measures? I've never heard such a claim - if true I am buying whatever setup you have!

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Looking for a new powder scale - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a new powder scale

Post by rkittine 1/12/2021, 12:08 pm

The best analytical scales are usually only accurate to .02 grains

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Looking for a new powder scale - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a new powder scale

Post by SingleActionAndrew 1/12/2021, 6:18 pm

I ordered a Dillon 750 just in case the included powder measure is actually 0.01gr accurate as radjag shared. I'll admit I already was somewhat interested but this braved me over the 12 week backorder. The one time I used a Dillon though it was measuring +/-0.15gr which is a 0.3gr range. That's not as bad as my Lee autodrum started though and I'm dispensing +/- 0.04 (0.08gr range) of N310 from it after some investment.

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Location : IL, USA

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