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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by stap17204 12/20/2020, 9:18 am

I've received an S&W Model 41 from my father that has 2 barrels. I never knew it had 2. One of the barrels reads 22 LONG RIFLE CTG. There's a symbol on both ends of the engraving that looks like a sideways H, but it's not. Why 2 barrels? Was this how it was delivered originally. Serial number TBD6303.


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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty I got two 41's and a whole buncha barrels

Post by CrankyThunder 12/20/2020, 10:53 am

I got a herd of barrels for my 41's. 

In Iron sights I got a 5 incher, a 5 1/2 incher, and a 7 incher.  

Plus a bunch more with various dots and scopes and other sighting devices.  

Fun to take to the range and let people try out the differences.  

with only two barrels you are behind schedule.  Gotta get on the ball! lol!

Now I have probably taken it to the extreme but I could see two barrels, one with irons and the other with a red dot.  


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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty Re: S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by Domino1 12/20/2020, 11:09 am

Some like the 5.5 inch barrel and others like the 7 inch barrel.  Are they different lengths?


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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty Re: S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by CR10X 12/20/2020, 1:55 pm

And there are the elusive 5 inch Factory Field Model (not a cut-down 7+ inch slim profile barrel) and the extendable front sight 5 1/2 inch heavy barrels.  
Once you've found those you realize you're spending too much time collecting and not enough time shooting....

And then there's the Clark barrels so you can shoot optics without messing up a collectable "Sleepy &" roll marked barrel.  

And if you can find them, even earlier pre A series barrels with actual "checkered" top rib area; not the later serrated sight rib areas.  

Saw one of those that someone had drilled and tapped for scope mounts and almost cried. 



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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty Re: S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by stap17204 12/20/2020, 9:38 pm

yes the barrels are different lengths. and the statement about 1 with an optic and the other with iron might be right. But the optic also has iron. I see an optic that looks identical to an Aimpoint 3000 that's on the 41.


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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty Re: S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by lyman1903 12/22/2020, 8:37 am

and the 7-1/2's with a brake , or with a bushing, or have both,,,,

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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty Re: S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by stap17204 12/22/2020, 10:06 am

1 is 5" and the 2nd is 7"; but the 7" appears to be original and the 5" a change but I don't know why if it was; does that make sense; both in great condition; I'm trying to understand what I have here in detail so I can talk to friends and other possible buyers if I want to sell this model and acquire something different; I'm keeping several 1911's but traded and sold some with friends recently; I'm going to add 3-gun to my retirement fun so I have to rationalize the pieces and parts of the collection


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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty Re: S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by troystaten 12/22/2020, 5:56 pm

Shoot the 41 with trying both barrels, the 41 is a nice shooting pistol.


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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty Re: S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by 824tsv 12/22/2020, 6:59 pm

Since no one has answered your question, your pistol came standard with 1 barrel only. I have one that I bought new in the same serial# range as your's and mine came with the 5 1/2" Heavy Barrel. I suspect you have the same barrel that you identified as being 5" long. S&W did make a 5" "Field" barrel but I'd bet yours is actually 5 1/2" long. The symbols at the end of the calibre designation on the barrel are known as "Dingbats" and are purely a cosmetic embellishment to the barrel.

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S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s Empty Re: S&W Model 41, 2 barrel s

Post by Brent375hh 1/2/2021, 11:19 pm

I have one that my dad called a sport barrel. It has a red ramp like a model 29 and is checkered on top. I think it might be 4-3/4 or 5".


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