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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

James Hensler
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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by Lenny53 Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:46 pm

Purchased Pardini 32acp conversion. Trying to load ammo for it using the formula given by Pardini: VVn310 1.8gr, Hornady XTP 85gr. The results are pretty bad even for 25 yards. Anyone can advise a better load for Hornady 85gr and VV n310? COL .894, crimp .330. Help!


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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by James Hensler Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:16 am

1.7 everything else the same is Multiple X ring 10 shot groups with mine at 50 yards
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James Hensler

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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by lablover Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:18 am

James Hensler wrote:1.7 everything else the same is Multiple X ring 10 shot groups with mine at 50 yards
What happened to 1.6 N310?  Shoots great in mine.

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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by Dr.Don Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:27 am

1.6-1.7 N310 is x-ring at 50.

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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by James Hensler Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:29 am

1.6 is what I meant
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by ASchlem Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:18 pm

I had issues also. Try your load again but assembly each round with a single stage press. I would have sworn the ammo i was loading on my Dillon was consistent. But it shot like crap at 50 yards.


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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by orpheoet Fri Dec 25, 2020 5:01 pm

I haven't tried the 85gr because I bought 2k+ of the 65gr but I've had success with a crimp of 0.335

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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by lablover Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:19 am

ASchlem wrote:I had issues also. Try your load again but assembly each round with a single stage press. I would have sworn the ammo i was loading on my Dillon was consistent. But it shot like crap at 50 yards.
I’m curious why this is the case?  What is it some are doing on a Dillon and getting accurate Ammo and some not so much?  Is it sizing? Expanding? Seating?  Must be an answer someplace.

I for one have found my Dillon absolutely hates Remington.32 acp brass and will not function correctly while trying to load.  I’ve narrowed it down to the rim is a bit different on Remington brass as opposed to Hornady or Starline.  The Remington wants to tilt on my Dillon shell plate as the others don’t. The Remington has a bevel on the rim that is a little more pronounced than the Hornady and Starline.

Maybe those using a Dillon can post what dies they are using.

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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Dillon issues for 32ACP

Post by Lenny53 Mon Jan 04, 2021 5:53 pm

Two issues with Dillon. 1. Dillon can not accurately measure 1.6-1.7gr. I was dropping powder one at a time and there is absolutely no consistency.
2. Dillon does not offer 32acp dies. They sold me Redding die set series b with shellholder #22. That was a disaster. The brass simply will not go in into the die. We ended up modifying the sizing die (slightly opened the mouth) and it started sizing the brass. But still struggling with the correct amount of powder.


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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by Guest Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:07 pm

[quote="Lenny53"]Two issues with Dillon. 1. Dillon can not accurately measure 1.6-1.7gr. I was dropping powder one at a time and there is absolutely no consistency.
2. Dillon does not offer 32acp dies. They sold me Redding die set series b with shellholder #22.[/quote]
I have several Dillon Powder Measures fitted with the X-small bar and one with an Arredondo micrometer bar. All of them are able to drop very consistent measures down to about 1.4gr of N310. 

I have run several tests to check consistency of throw at 1.6 and 1.8 grain (and also with DPM's and Small bar at 3.8 and 4.4 of N310) and have found the throws to be very consistent - certainly less than 0.1gr variation.

I have experienced occasional problems with completed rounds catching on the Ejector wire causing the shell plate to "jerk" which can spill a small amount of powder from brass in stations 2 or 3. If that happens I typically pull those shells, blow any powder or other debris off the platform, return one empty expanded shell back into station 2 and resume loading. Note that brass which has already had the mouth expanded slightly may catch if you return it to the case feeder drop tube (I size/prime brass off the press so station 1 is empty).

I have 32ACP dies from Dillon, but also have other brands of dies. Finding the optimum set-up for particular brass and bullets can be a challenge! I mostly use Starline or Fiocchi 32ACP brass, had no specific problem with either brand.

For the first 6 months or so of XL650 ownership I could not produce good 32ACP (or any other) ammo. I eventually traced that to a bad main platform - Dillon provided a good replacement for free - but it took a lot of time, effort and incidental cost to reach that outcome.


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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Dillon issues for 32ACP

Post by Lenny53 Tue Jan 05, 2021 6:44 pm

1. My Dillon (750) will not even drop less then 2.0gr. A friend of mine had to modify it in order to be able to drop from 1.5 on up.
2. I ordered from Dillon 3 sets of dies: .45acp, 9mm and 32acp. First two are on a backorder. My sales person said that they do not manufacture 32acp dies that is why they sent me Redding Series B. I did not choose that.


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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by Lenny53 Tue Jan 05, 2021 6:54 pm

BTW: The accuracy of .1 gr is not sufficient if you need to choose between 1.6gr and 1.7gr. Mechanical RCBS and electronic scales need to be checked as well in case of a very low powder loads. Here is how I test that:
When I need 1.7gr drop I combine 10 drops into one measuring cup and check if my total is 17gr. Acceptable variation is 16.8-17.2. This gives me accuracy of .01gr instead of .1gr.


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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by Lenny53 Tue Jan 05, 2021 6:57 pm

BTW2: I could not even get the brass to enter the die on station 1. I ended up modifying the die by slightly opening the mouse of the die.


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Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads Empty Re: Hornady 85gr XTP 32 acp loads

Post by Guest Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:12 pm

[quote="Lenny53"]1. My Dillon (750) will not even drop less then 2.0gr.[/quote]
Dillon typically include one Small and one Large powder bar in the box with their Powder Measure. You have to special order their X-Small bar if you want to drop very light charges (for 32ACP or similar). Or modify a small bar, which I guess is what your friend did. With the X-Small bar I have found that the lower limit of consistent drops is about 1.4 grains of N310. YMMV.

I have also used the 10 drop check to confirm consistency and, yes, I agree that normal variation will be much less than 0.1 grains.

Dillon do (or at least they did 18 months ago) make 32 SWL dies. I'm not certain whether I have 32ACP or 32SWL or both - not at the place where my 650 resides at present so cannot easily check. The main advantage of Dillon dies compared to most other brands is that they are designed to mount comfortably in the rather thick 650/750 tool heads. Lee dies in particular are very short, locking rings must then be fitted on the underside of the tool head - but then they sometimes foul the press frame and are troublesome.

As for having problems with fired brass catching on the mouth of the sizing die in station 1. Yes, I have encountered that problem too. But, I have solved all of my feeding/sizing problems another way. I bought one of the excellent Lee APP's, I have it set up next to my Dillon with a home-made mount for the Dillon Case Feeder. I run all of my lightly cleaned brass through the APP (size and deprime) using a bit of Hornady One Shot to make the sizing pressure easier. Then I thoroughly tumble clean the processed brass to a bright shine and prime it all by hand. Completing the reloading on the 650 is then very smooth. Others will, no doubt, complain that I am wasting time and making the process too complicated - they are certainly entitled to that opinion, but it works well for me.


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