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Dist revolver - recommendations?

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Dist revolver - recommendations? Empty Dist revolver - recommendations?

Post by Chris_D 4/4/2013, 9:05 am

Hi All,

I might try my hand at the distinguished revolver matches at Camp Perry this year. I am not looking to spend a lot of money on a gun buy would like something good to start with. Can anyone recommend a revolver that will be a good choice for this type of competition?




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Dist revolver - recommendations? Empty Re: Dist revolver - recommendations?

Post by rvlvrlvr 4/4/2013, 11:51 am

A S&W Model 14 is a common gun on the DR line; there are plenty of them out there, and could be had for decent prices.

Other choices would be something with a 6" barrel, adjustable target sights, and possibly something with a wide range of available grips -- any S&W K- or L-frame (or even N-frame) model would work (14, 15, 19, 27, 28, 66, 67, 586, 686, 627, etc.); Ruger's GP100 is used by several good shooters, and their previous line of Security Six would be just fine; Colt's Python and Diamondback are held in high regard.

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Dist revolver - recommendations? Empty Re: Dist revolver - recommendations?

Post by Guest 4/4/2013, 6:34 pm

Is there a seperate badge to earn with a revolver from a distinguished pistol badge?



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Dist revolver - recommendations? Empty Re: Dist revolver - recommendations?

Post by C.Perkins 4/4/2013, 6:43 pm

The CMP awards the distinguished pistol badge. (service pistol)
The NRA awards the distinguished revolver badge. (revolver)
Hope this helps.
I do not have the links at hand but you can google them.

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Dist revolver - recommendations? Empty Re: Dist revolver - recommendations?

Post by lonegunman 6/18/2013, 10:55 pm

I shoot a pre-28 S&W from 1954.  Any S&W K,L or N frame 38/357 revolver with adjustable sights works pretty good.  I used a mdl 586 for a few matches. 

There are decent revolvers from Colt and Ruger but S&W has more decent competitive revolvers out there on the market.

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Dist revolver - recommendations? Empty Re: Dist revolver - recommendations?

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