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safety issue

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 safety issue Empty safety issue

Post by chopper Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:04 pm

I was going through my safe and got out a pistol to use for holding exercises and grabbed my Hardballer for a change. Did my holds and tried a few dryfires, no problem. Pulled hammer back to the safety notch and pulled trigger and it dropped it. I'm self diagnosing it and can only figure maybe the disconnector is at fault (maybe too short) because the sear and hammer notches engage real nice. Could it be the thumb safety? It's not the grip safety because it won't fire on either notch, I can engage the thumb safety but not on the hammer safety notch, so I tend to think it's not that.


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Age : 72
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 safety issue Empty Re: safety issue

Post by Slamfire Sat Jan 09, 2021 7:46 pm

chopper wrote:I was going through my safe and got out a pistol to use for holding exercises and grabbed my Hardballer for a change. Did my holds and tried a few dryfires, no problem. Pulled hammer back to the safety notch and pulled trigger and it dropped it. I'm self diagnosing it and can only figure maybe the disconnector is at fault (maybe too short) because the sear and hammer notches engage real nice. Could it be the thumb safety? It's not the grip safety because it won't fire on either notch, I can engage the thumb safety but not on the hammer safety notch, so I tend to think it's not that.

Is your "Hardballer" a series 80 or series 70 model?

Series 70 hammer with half cock notch

 safety issue WQ2VDax

series 80 with no half cock notch

 safety issue FLvcW3x

a series 80 is unsafe is any attempt is made to place the hammer on the half cock. A simple pull on the trigger will cause the hammer to fall.

Owners have had accidental discharges with what were probably series 80 Colts having a chambered round and the hammer on the half cock

Accidental Discharge of a 1911 in a Thumb Break Holster


My brother recently acquired a Colt Commander. He had put a Federal hollowpoint in the chamber and lowered the hammer (condition #2). He was holstering the pistol with the hammer down. This was a holster with a thumb break. As he attempted to adjust the pistol in order to snap the thumb break closed, the pistol discharged. The round traveled into his upper right butt cheek and out the bottom, about 6 inches below his butt cheek. The round didn’t expand and fell to the floor under the weight of gravity alone. He is fine now but the AD [accidental discharge] perplexed us a lot until we figured that the hammer was resting on the firing pin, and the soft primer Federal hollowpoint round and the hard “snap” of the new holster hit the hammer hard enough to touch off a round. Fixing the issue is to simply not chamber a round, period.

So, first verify the type, series 70 or 80. If it is a series 70, your half cock is worn and the pistol is unsafe.


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Join date : 2016-04-18

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 safety issue Empty Re: safety issue

Post by chopper Sat Jan 09, 2021 9:17 pm

Series 70, I'll definitely check that notch out. I'm glad I have other wadguns to use while this one is out of service.


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Join date : 2013-10-30
Age : 72
Location : Western Iowa

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