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Hammerli 208 International ejector

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Hammerli 208 International ejector Empty Hammerli 208 International ejector

Post by speedy1544 1/20/2021, 7:27 am

I have a 208 International , from Larrys , owned for about 3 years. Are they prone to ejector issues , as in stove pipes between breech and scope mount? Not often , but occasionally?

Typically I clean area with brass brush , and bore? Could my ejector be worn some?




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Hammerli 208 International ejector Empty Re: Hammerli 208 International ejector

Post by Ed Hall 1/20/2021, 10:01 am

At least for the 208s, the trapped brass you describe is commonly caused by the magazines riding too high.  This in turn causes the spent case to eject off the front of the left rear magazine lip instead of the ejector.  If this is the case, you will notice a slight peening of the tip of the  lip where the brass contacts it.  Another, less frequent trouble, is the headspace in the slide deforming such that the spent case is not held by the extractor well enough to reach the ejector.

To check both of the above, first make sure no live rounds are in the vicinity.  If you can, remove the recoil spring.  This isn't really necessary, but it makes the check easier. Insert a spent case into the chamber and close the slide fully.  Insert an empty magazine and slowly retract the slide watching for the empty case mouth to clear the chamber.  See if the case is still held fully upward in the headspace of the slide.  If it is, continue extracting untill the case rim comes to the front of the left rear lip of the empty magazine.  It should clear it without touching and reach the ejector before being pushed out of the extractor.

Ed Hall

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Hammerli 208 International ejector Empty Re: Hammerli 208 International ejector

Post by BullseyeBuzz 2/8/2021, 11:58 am

Thanks for the information as I am a newby to the often overwhelming world of Hammerli. 

I have also been having some stovepipe issues and am looking for causes and solutions. 

If the cause is a magazine sitting too high, what are the practical solutions? TIA.


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Hammerli 208 International ejector Empty Re: Hammerli 208 International ejector

Post by Ed Hall 2/8/2021, 3:37 pm

BullseyeBuzz wrote:Thanks for the information as I am a newby to the often overwhelming world of Hammerli. 

I have also been having some stovepipe issues and am looking for causes and solutions. 

If the cause is a magazine sitting too high, what are the practical solutions? TIA.
The fix for the high magazine issue is to "carefully" remove a small amount of metal from the top of the catch slot in the back of the magazine tube.  That small lip sits on the top edge of the magazine catch.  But, you must also make sure that when you are done, the slide stop still is engaged fully on an empty magazine.  If it doesn't engage fully, the stop can round the corner of the cutout in the slide.  If it isn't fully engaging, the fix for that is to raise the top of the cross pin slots.

Ed Hall

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Join date : 2012-09-10
Location : Adirondack Mountains


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