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scope reticle instead of red dot?

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scope  reticle instead of red dot? Empty scope reticle instead of red dot?

Post by ser2711 1/28/2021, 1:59 am

Someone use in bullseye competition scope with cross reticle instead of red dot?


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scope  reticle instead of red dot? Empty Re: scope reticle instead of red dot?

Post by Jon Eulette 1/28/2021, 2:30 am

In the early 90’s I used Burris 1X that had cross hairs and black dot in the center. It was my first time using optic for BE. When I later went to red dot I never looked back.....except once I tried Burris again a couple years ago and found that red dot still was the way to go for me.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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scope  reticle instead of red dot? Empty 1.5x heavy crosshairs?

Post by Russ OR 1/28/2021, 2:03 pm

I once tried a 1.5x Thompson contender scope on my 22. Single black dot/no cross hairs. I really liked it outdoors, but indoors there wasn't enough light to see the dot on the black bull.
I tried a Leupold 2x scope-same thing-good outdoors but hard to see the thin, inner reticle hairs indoors.

I think a 1x to 2x lightweight scope with solid heavy crosshairs would be good-just "quarter" the bull in the crosshairs. -- - Russ

Russ OR

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scope  reticle instead of red dot? Empty Re: scope reticle instead of red dot?

Post by Ed Hall 1/28/2021, 10:13 pm

I had really good luck with a crosshair scope on my .22 for a while, with a consistent 100-8x sustained fire, but when I tried to gather those last couple x's I started going downhill a bit.  For some reason I seemed to start slipping from the 100's, so I eventually went back to the red dot and haven't played much more with the crosshairs.  Maybe it was just the newness helping me to be more aware of the right focus.

Ed Hall

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