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.223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related)

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.223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related) Empty .223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related)

Post by Jack H 4/17/2013, 5:33 pm

Rifle: Coltsman .223 (Sako)

With powder hit and miss at stores, I would like to know other powders and charges for 50-55gr bullets.

I load 69 SMK for the fast twist Rock River with Varget. But the bolt gun is for light bullets.
Jack H
Jack H

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.223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related) Empty Re: .223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related)

Post by BE Mike 4/18/2013, 8:58 am

Here is some food for thought:
CFE 223, H 335, BL-C (2), Ramshot TAC, Reloder 10X, IMR 4895, Benchmark, and Winchester 748. Before you jump into some of these powders, though, you might want to work up a load with the Varget you have on hand.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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.223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related) Empty Re: .223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related)

Post by DeweyHales 4/18/2013, 7:00 pm

26 or so of Varget would probably work well.

A pet load for Service Rifle is 26.5 of W748 with 52, 53, or 55 gr bullets. That should be good in a bolt gun too.

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.223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related) Empty Re: .223 load for the other rifle (not pistol related)

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