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Had an epiphany with my red dot...

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Had an epiphany with my red dot... Empty Had an epiphany with my red dot...

Post by Dehumanizer 2/21/2021, 10:33 am

Sighting in with new ammo today. (This shortage is killing me. I shoot with different ammo every weekend cuz I shoot with what I can get my hands on. So I have to adjust before every match) I always sighted in @ 50 yrs and shot a hair bit high at 25. But... Because 6 of the strings @ 25 it was a no brainer to sight in @ 25 yards. So the 3 @ 50 I have to aim a little low.

Is this common?

~Learning something new every weekend.


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Had an epiphany with my red dot... Empty Re: Had an epiphany with my red dot...

Post by SteveT 2/21/2021, 10:42 am

Most people adjust their sights between 50 and 25 yds.

Aiming at a different point on the target is always wrong with open sights because you aren't focused on the front sight. With dots, I suppose it is just not recommended. It's easy (and largely subconscious) to put a dot in a circle, trying to hold that dot somewhere else will require more of your attention.

For 22 don't worry about it. Most people see less than 1" between 50 and 25. Until you are shooting M/HM scores it doesn't matter.

For 45 most people need 4-6 clicks up at 50 for most sights and scopes. Twice that if you have 1/2 MOA scope adjustments.

Last edited by SteveT on 2/21/2021, 10:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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Had an epiphany with my red dot... Empty Re: Had an epiphany with my red dot...

Post by CR10X 2/21/2021, 10:52 am

Yes, they put those knobs on the scope for a reason and you can use them any time.  Usually when moving frome 50 to 25 and back again.  You sight in at both and mark your scope. 

You should use the same sight picture,  ususlly dot in the center or front sight  at sub  6:00, never "hold off".  It's hard enough to master seeing your wobble, without also trying to put it over a different area on the target every time.  That's why you mark and move the scope for each range.

And if you're looking to see where it is specifically on the target, then you're not focusing on seeing the wobble versus where it is and will try to pick off your shots.   That is a path that is pretty inconsistent with getting better at bullseye.



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Had an epiphany with my red dot... Empty Re: Had an epiphany with my red dot...

Post by -TT- 2/21/2021, 11:04 am

Most bullet trajectories are still rising at 25yd, due to the sight being above the centerline of the barrel. You're aiming straight but the barrel is pointing slightly upward. Red dots can increase this, because their center is typically over an inch above.

At 50yd, many lower velocity (bullseye) rounds have begun to drop due to simple ballistics. So, as these factors play together, you may find the sights need to go up, down, or very little changed.

Every gun, every ammo and every shooter may find something different! I agree with others to not change your sight picture to compensate, as a habit anyway.

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Had an epiphany with my red dot... Empty Re: Had an epiphany with my red dot...

Post by Allgoodhits 2/21/2021, 11:10 am

.22LR & 9mm my sights are zeroed at 50 yds and stay the same between 50 & 25 yd lines. Sometimes a click or 3 from ammo to ammo, range to range. After any change for the day, they go back to "my" zero.

.45 my guns are all sighted in at 50 yds. Fifty yards is home. I click down for 25 yds. When I am finished with 25 yds, my sights go back to the 50 yd setting. As with above, sometimes a few clicks may be needed, from range to range. After any change for the day, always go back to "my" zero. This protocol works best for me.

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Had an epiphany with my red dot... Empty Re: Had an epiphany with my red dot...

Post by Dehumanizer 2/21/2021, 2:25 pm

Thanks for the advice. I will take a shot at the 50 yd slow and adjust accordingly. My Sig Romeo 5 has a .5 moa on elevation. My red dot is around 1.5 inches from center to center barrel. So 4-6 clicks up should be a good starting point. (4 to account for bullet drop)

Gun is in the safe right now so that is a guess I will measure before next week's match.

Once I figure it out I will be able to dial it in.


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