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10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by Gustavo1957 2/22/2021, 7:07 pm

After many days of basement gun area cleaning I found a case box of 1,000 pcs. of 10mm Magnum Star Line Brass on the back of a shelf.

Slip from Midway in the box dates it as 1994. 1st year I was in the house. 

Not sure what I was thinking back then. I did have a 10mm Delta Elite which was a deadly accurate gun and took deer with it. 

Anybody have any ideas who could use it for what? I think it could be cut down to 10mm or .40 S&W if people were desperate. 

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thank you.
10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Attachment
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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by Gustavo1957 2/22/2021, 7:08 pm

Loaded round in the center is a 10mm Winchester Silver Tip. Other photo of  head stamp 10mm MAG wouldn't load.


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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by SingleActionAndrew 2/22/2021, 7:40 pm

I want it if the price is normal. My friend and I have been planning to buy 10mm revolvers and ream them to 10mm mag. After 45 and 22 I mainly shoot 10mm and 460 Rowland

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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty adding photos

Post by Gustavo1957 2/22/2021, 8:28 pm


Sounds like an interesting project. 

The 1994 sales slip says $110.  I'll try to add the photo. You'll  pay the shipping.

The way I do business is I'll send them to you and if you are satisfied you can send me a check for $110 + the shipping.  Otherwise send them back at your expense. I do see a couple have a minor tarnish. And I probably had a couple in my machinist tool box for measuring years ago. So there is probably more like 980 pcs. I'm not counting them. If you are short subtract the amount.

I've sold a HS Barrel, 52-2 pistol & traded .22's this way and it has worked out well. 

Shooting should be fun and we need to support each other. 

Also there are .40/ 10mm bullet heads presently on the Lambrecht Auction site up for bids.
https://lambrechtauction.hibid.com/catalog/261651/20210224-firearms-and-sporting/?cpage=18.  I go to this auction regularly and get good deals on guns, ammo & building materials. 

I have more .40 bullet heads available if you want some at reasonable prices. I rarely shoot my 10mm any more as it raises hell with my hands. 

You can send me a PM if with your shipping info if you are interested.

Thanks -- Gus
10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Attachment
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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Attachment
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Last edited by Gustavo1957 on 2/22/2021, 8:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding photos)


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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by SingleActionAndrew 2/22/2021, 11:11 pm

PM sent - I'll take em!

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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by Gustavo1957 2/23/2021, 9:27 am

Brass shipped.



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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by bruce martindale 2/24/2021, 11:12 am

We want dem tooty toos!

bruce martindale

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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by messenger 2/24/2021, 1:53 pm

After reading this I remembered I had bought 100 pieces of 10mm Magnum brass by mistake. I threw them up on the shelf thinking I would trim them down later. Later never came. I couldn't remember what I paid for them. StarLine no longer sells them @ 100. Only 500 & 1000. If anyone else has a need for them give me a shout. I need to make room for all those primers. I wish! lol


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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by SingleActionAndrew 2/26/2021, 8:34 am

I received Gustavo1957's 10mm mag brass and it is beautiful. He shipped immediately and the goods are exactly as described.  Looking forward to trading again sir!

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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by Troutramp 3/25/2021, 11:56 am

messenger wrote:After reading this I remembered I had bought 100 pieces of 10mm Magnum brass by mistake. I threw them up on the shelf thinking I would trim them down later. Later never came. I couldn't remember what I paid for them. StarLine no longer sells them @ 100. Only 500 & 1000. If anyone else has a need for them give me a shout. I need to make room for all those primers. I wish! lol

I'll take them if still available


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10mm Magnum Brass -  What to do with it ? Empty Re: 10mm Magnum Brass - What to do with it ?

Post by messenger 3/25/2021, 2:36 pm

Troutramp wrote:
messenger wrote:After reading this I remembered I had bought 100 pieces of 10mm Magnum brass by mistake. I threw them up on the shelf thinking I would trim them down later. Later never came. I couldn't remember what I paid for them. StarLine no longer sells them @ 100. Only 500 & 1000. If anyone else has a need for them give me a shout. I need to make room for all those primers. I wish! lol

I'll take them if still available

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