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Rink grip texture

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Rink grip texture Empty Rink grip texture

Post by orpheoet 3/2/2021, 1:47 am

I removed a bit of wood from a set of Rinks and am curious if anyone has been able to approximate the factory texture. Thanks

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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by Tripscape 3/2/2021, 2:57 am

I am having similar question regarding Nill grips. Does anyone know if these grips are stippled via removal method (something like dremel tip), or press method (like etching)? It doesn't look like they are laser method just because wood color is untouched. To me it looks like press method as there are no flakes coming off the wood, though maybe they use a very good sharp tip. On the other hand when saturated with oil wood does not change shape, which it would unfold back if it was pressed. So I am confused.


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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by SMBeyer 3/3/2021, 1:13 am

I took a small screw driver and ground a sharp point on it and went at the grip like a woodpecker on meth.  Matches pretty darn good.

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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by jshank 3/3/2021, 1:25 am

Does anyone know how to darken my walnut Rink grips?  I received them in January, they are very light in color,  I would prefer a richer darker color. Any suggestions?


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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by mspingeld 3/3/2021, 1:38 am

Sweat will do it but might not be the look you're after. Linseed or Tung oil. Rub it in with your hands, really rub it. Then wipe it all off with a lint free cloth. Repeat if you want a richer color.


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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by Tripscape 3/3/2021, 2:16 am

I have a very un-conventional method for you. It comes from receiving Nill grips with very dark grip wood and very lite palm shelf.  Firstly - oiling did not work.  Wood itself was too lite, likely outside rings of crossection, while grip was inside rings.  Staining did not work because it just would not absorb into the shelf < grip may absorb it though, but that was not my target. 
What did work very very well - wash the part with soap. Wipe the part with alcohol. Here is where it gets weird - color the part with permanent marker, this delivers color to the top. Then use alcohol soaked pad to pat the part, this delivers color to the inside of the wood. Repeat until color is even. Then use tung or linseed oil, NOT anything with varnish as you will mess up the color. Tung or linseed oil will seal youl color, essentially creating a layer on top of it. Have been using for a year with no issues at all, not a blemish on it. Now I did mine in black, but knowing it now I would do brown. It does contrast with Vortex Venom though.

Last edited by Tripscape on 3/3/2021, 2:20 am; edited 1 time in total


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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by Tripscape 3/3/2021, 2:19 am


Rink grip texture 20191210


Rink grip texture 20200110


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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by zanemoseley 3/3/2021, 2:34 am

Dang I would have complained if I got a $300 set of grips with a mismatched shelf that bad. That's pitiful but good job fixing.


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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by DrewBone 3/3/2021, 3:04 am

For coloring wood I've used RIT dye powder mixed with alcohol; the dye crystals dissolve in the alcohol which then penetrates the wood fibers easily. The alcohol evaporates quickly, allowing a finish to be applied over it much sooner than if a typical stain were used.

Romanian PSL-54c factory furniture color before:
Rink grip texture COa1w5v

And after...
Rink grip texture DDhZiw4

There are many colors available which can be mixed in infinate combinations for your desired color and shade. The above color is a combination of RIT's "Scarlet" with a touch of "Royal Blue", but very easily could have resembled a dark Walnut had I used RIT's "Dark Brown" dye  Smile


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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by Tripscape 3/3/2021, 4:19 am

zanemoseley wrote:Dang I would have complained if I got a $300 set of grips with a mismatched shelf that bad. That's pitiful but good job fixing.
I did, they sent me their oil (oil mixed with varnish) for free, which of course would not fix it. They did offer to take back the grip with no guarantee that next one would be proper.  Ambi adjustable shelf is their custom order. Looks like they cut grip custom, but use palm shelves in stock.


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Rink grip texture Empty Re: Rink grip texture

Post by Tripscape 3/3/2021, 4:24 am

So method Drew describes is basically same as my method, except I stumbled on mine by mistake (I was just really pissed) and used improper tools. Please do yourself a favor and follow his method )))


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