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Hammerli 208 coming back??

Mike M.
Allen Barnett
james r chapman
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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by hammerli 3/10/2021, 10:28 am

I was amazed to hear Jim Henderson say that there are rumors about the return of the Hammerli?
I saw this on the youtube video of his interview.

Does anyone know if this is true? I am so excited to know that some spares will be available again for my old Hammerlis.


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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by james r chapman 3/10/2021, 10:46 am

And Colt brought back the Python!
So many, but, never without bean counters finding cost reductions.
We will see..
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by hammerli 3/10/2021, 10:50 am

Thank you


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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by Allen Barnett 3/10/2021, 12:10 pm

I do know they have an updated X-eese. Found them at Frontier Arms which is an Austrailan dealer can't find anything about American dealers and have sent 3 e-mails to Walther requesting info on Hammerli stocking dealers but no response.

Allen Barnett

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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by Mike M. 3/10/2021, 8:32 pm

I fear it would be like the .22LR Walther PPKs, or the American-made P210s.  Trading on the reputation, but not quite up to the originals.

Mike M.

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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by zanemoseley 3/10/2021, 8:44 pm

My Sig P210A is pretty darn nice but the originals were probably better but never handled one. I love my 208s, the trigger is magic and balance with a 9000SC is great,  so if they reproduce they better bring their "A" game.


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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by Guest 3/10/2021, 8:48 pm

As Mike M suggests, it will probably be made in one of the SIG factories in USA - they produce good guns, but they inevitably make design changes to the internals to reduce the amount of hand fitting required and therefore the production cost - can't blame them for that, most customers will never notice!

I have a USA built SIG P210. There is a problem with the recoil spring guide retainer design - SIG sent me a replacement FOC, but I'm now waiting for a better custom one from a Forum Member. The trigger is very good, but was too light for CMP EIC, a tiny replacement spring from that same Forum member fixed it. They are very nice guns and shoot very well with the right ammo. Good value for money, IMHO.

If the new 208 does materialise I shall buy one! Many owners made changes to the Swiss made originals, so having to do the same to a USA made (to a price) modern version should not be a hardship.


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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by Outthere 3/11/2021, 6:26 am

Parts and service will be vital to the success of a "New" 208s.

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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by Brent375hh 3/13/2021, 1:04 pm

Allen Barnett wrote:I do know they have an updated X-eese. Found them at Frontier Arms which is an Austrailan dealer can't find anything about American dealers and have sent 3 e-mails to Walther requesting info on Hammerli stocking dealers but no response.
I tried several times to find out about an item that was showing on the Walter Competition website. I was redirected until disconnected 3 times. Numerous emails went unanswered.

I finally decided that the folks in Ft. Smith didn't need my money, and I would not want a product that was in need of repair from them anyway, after that experience. The FP500 has since been removed from their website.


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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by Pbmoser1954 3/13/2021, 8:18 pm

I did hear the same rumor that the 208S is coming back

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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

Post by Rick H. 3/14/2021, 2:16 pm

If it weren't for the "traditionalists" what would there be to read on these websites?  Old is good, new is not.  Give it a break!  These same discussions take place on every forum almost to the point of being pathetic.  The new S&W Model 41's are constantly being beat on by guys claiming the only good one is an old one and that just isn't true.  Although my new PC M41 needed some help from the Mothership it took one time and it was repaired and works flawlessly.  Several years ago I listened to the banter and bought an old one against my better judgement and it was in one word...junk.  No warranty and I lost my butt on that gun so please don't tell me anyway that old is always better.

I bought a German made P210 Legend Target after owning a Swiss made P210 and the German made pistol is just as good if not better than the Swiss made pistol.  When Sig started production of the American P210 I had some reservations about buying one thinking it will never be as good as the Swiss or German made pistols, but I was dead wrong.  My American made P210 is a terrific pistol and every bit as good as my other P210's.  If I have a recoil rod break it is no big deal and will be dealt with accordingly.

Now the same banter is taking place about a replacement Hammerli.  Oh it won't be as good as the old one yada, yada.  Give it a rest until you see the finished product for Pete's Sake...If it ever really comes out on the market.

Rick H.

Rick H.

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Hammerli 208 coming back?? Empty Re: Hammerli 208 coming back??

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