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Trailside Extractor

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Trailside Extractor Empty Trailside Extractor

Post by Larry2520 3/10/2021, 6:23 pm

I have an older Trailside.The extractor is basically a spring. The one that came with it broke and I replaced it. Then I discovered that it was changed to a stronger one. I was wondering if anyone knew if the new style would fit the old slide. I know if it does it needs a spring to make it operable. Also does anyone know where parts can be obtained.


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Join date : 2017-05-07

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Trailside Extractor Empty Re: Trailside Extractor

Post by Allen Barnett 3/10/2021, 7:06 pm

Did you try Redfeather Outfitter's at the Cardinal Center?  They bought all of Larry's Guns inventory.

Allen Barnett

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Join date : 2012-10-22
Age : 68
Location : Central Missouri

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