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Volquartsen extractor vs Standard Extractor

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Volquartsen extractor vs Standard Extractor Empty Volquartsen extractor vs Standard Extractor

Post by xman 3/11/2021, 12:38 pm

My M41 is having considerable problems extracting my new batch of Aguila SE as compared to my former batch of CCI SV. I have L brushed out the chamber, tooth brushed out the bolt face with Hoppes and did the "plunk" test with Eley Target, CCI SV and this batch of Aguila, none of them plunked flush, which is odd as previous plunk tests with the CCI did just fine.

Sometimes the pistol cycles fine and other times the fired case is fully inside the chamber and other times the case is halfway out and the bolt picks up the next bullet and the bullet jams into the case still in or halfway out of the chamber.

I have ordered a Volquartsen extractor but could not find an extractor spring or extractor detent. Even S&W did not have them in stock which is very strange given that are building PC M41's.

My question is does a Volquartsen extractor have an "edge" over a regular S&W extractor? I have read in this forum praises of the volquartsen extractor in solving extraction problems.

Last edited by xman on 3/11/2021, 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : more infomation to clarify)

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Age : 69
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Volquartsen extractor vs Standard Extractor Empty Re: Volquartsen extractor vs Standard Extractor

Post by Allen Barnett 3/11/2021, 3:35 pm

Double check your chamber.  Use a 25 caliber "BRONZE" brush on it with some Hoppe's (Kroil if you have it).  If unfired rounds won't pass the plunk test your chamber is most likely still a little dirty. I have no experience with Volquartsen extractor's in a Smith 41 but they sure work great in Ruger's.

Allen Barnett

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Volquartsen extractor vs Standard Extractor Empty Re: Volquartsen extractor vs Standard Extractor

Post by xman 3/11/2021, 7:36 pm

Allen Barnett wrote:Double check your chamber.  Use a 25 caliber "BRONZE" brush on it with some Hoppe's (Kroil if you have it).  If unfired rounds won't pass the plunk test your chamber is most likely still a little dirty. I have no experience with Volquartsen extractor's in a Smith 41 but they sure work great in Ruger's.

I have a .38 bronze brush so I used that. Dunked it in Hoppes, passed it and out of the chamber a few times, ran 2 dry patches and repeated the process. And yes the "plunking" did much improve.

Will do again tomorrow a few times.

Those loaded rounds that did not completed settle in the chamber I tapped in and was able to smoothly pull out with my finger. I was unable to do that before with loaded rounds that I had to force into the chamber before the .38 brush technique was used.

Thank for the idea!

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Age : 69
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