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Nighthawk Drop in Trigger

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Nighthawk Drop in Trigger Empty Nighthawk Drop in Trigger

Post by 1000yards 3/17/2021, 11:03 am

Anyone tried the Nighthawk "drop in" 1911 one piece trigger? Debating but gotta watch the "retired" $$! Sad Impressive concept but hoping for some real world experience.


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Nighthawk Drop in Trigger Empty Re: Nighthawk Drop in Trigger

Post by mspingeld 3/17/2021, 11:12 am

I personally don't like the concept. No adjustability. Cheaper to get a quality hammer, sear and spring.


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Nighthawk Drop in Trigger Empty Re: Nighthawk Drop in Trigger

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 3/17/2021, 11:43 am

There was a thread not too long ago about these not being "drop in" in the truest sense of the word.

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Nighthawk Drop in Trigger Empty Re: Nighthawk Drop in Trigger

Post by spursnguns 3/17/2021, 12:52 pm

Hello 1000yards,

On certain Springfield Armory models, Nighthawk acknowledges that the grip safeties need modification.  In those cases they are not "drop in" in any sense of the word.


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Nighthawk Drop in Trigger Empty Re: Nighthawk Drop in Trigger

Post by Froneck 3/17/2021, 1:58 pm

If I recall they claim it's not for competition use! Furthermore over the years there have been a number of so called drop in triggers. None of them worked! Problem is a trigger job can be done in one pistol, parts removed and inserted in another and most likely they will not be the same. Simply put not all the frames are the same so what will work great in one pistol will not work in another. For an inexperienced shooter all the triggers feel the same but as the skill increases so does the attention to the trigger! My son Adam states that the trigger is the most important part of shooting a good score! Naturally the gun has to function and group good but of the learned skills in pistol shooting trigger control is most important! Knowing and have met most of the top shooters probably due to Adam I have been able to talk to them and learned that just about all of them like a different feel on the trigger! Therefore trying to make one set to satisfy everyone is impossible. Years ago I purchased a Behlert drop in crisp trigger, it was not but it did have a slight "roll" that I loved! I actually purchased the trigger and sear set because of the design and wanted to try it. No one that I know that purchased agreed it was "break glass" like he claimed it was.


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