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When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Jon Eulette
Jack H
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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by beeser 3/17/2021, 3:39 pm

Lately I've found shooting 45 with my 1911 has been better than 22.  The reverse was true when I first began at this sport.  What gives?  I'm sure it's not because of ammo or the guns used.


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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by Wobbley 3/17/2021, 4:51 pm

Bigger bullet?  But seriously, the slab grips and grip frame of the 1911 is a very good interface to the human hand.  Much better than it is given credit for.

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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by Deerspy 3/17/2021, 5:02 pm

ani't that funny how it works I shoot in league 22 and centerfire all ways shoot 4 or 5 points better with centerfire.


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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by chiz1180 3/17/2021, 9:38 pm

Without knowing what your targets look like or your shooting habits, bullet diameter is probably a good bet. Especially on reduced targets. This is basically the argument that you should shoot a 45 for centerfire.

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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by Jack H 3/17/2021, 9:52 pm

You are unknowingly a little more serious about your hold.
Jack H
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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by zanemoseley 3/17/2021, 9:57 pm

I rarely ever see shooters of any level consistently beat their 22 score with 45. Usually if you don't have the fundamentals to score with a 22 you're really going to fall apart with the 45. Are you happy with your 22? Finding your perfect 22 ain't easy, I've been through most on the market before settling on the 208S as my favorite.


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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by Jon Eulette 3/18/2021, 12:45 am

John Zurek’s last two 2700’s he shot CF and 45 better than his 22 aggregates. 2660’s both matches.
Food for thought.......
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by Ed Hall 3/18/2021, 8:15 am

Jon Eulette wrote:John Zurek’s last two 2700’s he shot CF and 45 better than his 22 aggregates. 2660’s both matches.
Food for thought.......
For my best 2700 ever (outdoors), my .22 was the low score.  Not quite at 2660, but not too far away.

As to reduced targets the hole diameter is a definite advantage on 50 foot targets.

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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by james r chapman 3/18/2021, 8:44 am

Ed Hall wrote:
Jon Eulette wrote:John Zurek’s last two 2700’s he shot CF and 45 better than his 22 aggregates. 2660’s both matches.
Food for thought.......
For my best 2700 ever (outdoors), my .22 was the low score.  Not quite at 2660, but not too far away.

As to reduced targets the hole diameter is a definite advantage on 50 foot targets.

Fun times reused.22 targets for .45 practice!
Makes you feel better about yourself!
james r chapman
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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by Vinkemulder 4/24/2021, 11:53 am

I often shoot better with my 45. It's the grip.

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When shooting 45 is better than 22? Empty Re: When shooting 45 is better than 22?

Post by mhayford45 4/25/2021, 2:47 pm

I often shoot better CF and .45 scores than .22. I believe it to be due to a tendency for cherry picking 10s or Xs with the .22 rather than the good fundamentals the .45 requires. I tested this cherry picking tendency and if I applied good fundamentals with the .22 my scores are within a few points of CF and .45. Sometimes I have a lack of respect for the .22 therefore I cherry pick.


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