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Organising Brass

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Organising Brass Empty Organising Brass

Post by Guest Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:19 am

Thought that I would share this - not everyone will agree with my process - but it works well for me.

This started out as a couple of small shelf units made from scrap OSB which I then built up into a rolling bench (using planed offcuts of 2x4 scrap).

The plastic bins are from the Dollar Tree - I have them marked for each caliber and headstamp of the brass that I now use (45 Starline, etc.). I dump my fired brass into them on return from the range each day. My range box, etc., are parked on top of this bench right inside my garage.

Once I get a fairly full bin I run that batch through my vibro cleaner (prefer crushed walnut shells) to remove any grit and stuff, then put that clean'ish brass into a Planters Nut tub (takes about 400 45ACP brass per tub). When I've got a good stash built up I run it through the Lee APP to deprime/size (with a bit of Hornady One Shot to reduce the effort needed), then run that brass through the vibro again (with a bit of car polish) and get it up to a bright shine, back into the tub.

Then I put the tubs next to my La-Z-Boy and manually prime whilst watching TV. Back into a tub - ready to load when needed.

It sounds like a lot of time/work, but now that I'm organised and have reduced the number of different head stamps in my stash to just a few it does not take long to process. I typically shoot one headstamp in each caliber each day, so it is now just a matter of dumping each caliber from my catcher into a zip bag at the range - then into the respective bin. Easy!

If an odd headstamp (or a cracked case) does happen to get through the process I will catch it at the time of boxing finished ammo and put it to one side (I have a growing stash of odd-ball 45ACP which I am keeping to shoot in my 25-2 revolver - then toss that brass).


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Organising Brass Empty Re: Organising Brass

Post by WillH Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:01 pm

I really like your system there.  I have mine scattered in ammo cans and zip lock bags which is quite far from ideal.  For some reason I decided to put them on ground level and have to crawl on my hands and knees to get to them.  Your pic gave me some ideas of how I can make some improvements.

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Organising Brass Empty Re: Organising Brass

Post by Wobbley Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:07 pm

Stack your ammo cans on a dolly.  You can make one from a suitable 1X12 or 1X10 and 4 swiveling wheels from Harbor Freight.  I find a 2 foot plank of 1 10 will stack 9 -12 50 cal cans and moves on concrete floors quite easily.

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Organising Brass Empty Re: Organising Brass

Post by LenV Fri Mar 19, 2021 3:02 pm

I clean my brass as soon as possible then store in bins under my bench. Headstamps are separated by baggies.  Some like Starline  45acp get their own bins. Some have more than one caliber. I load a bunch of calibers.Organising Brass Screen31

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