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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

john bickar
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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by xman 3/20/2021, 9:43 pm

I am wondering if grip tape is legal for NRA and EIC competition. I am certain that I read in the pertaining rules books that it was legal. I found what I hope are the most recent books for NRA Precision and CMP EIC. I did a key word search and found nothing. What I did find was the following.

NRA Rule 3.18 General

CMP Rule 4.5.6 Other Equipment or Accessories

Upon reading the above I don't know if grip tape violates the "spirit" of the rules and grants an "unfair advantage". What constitutes an unfair advantage?

Would not putting tape on a grip be no different than having extra deep checkering on you grip or a custom grip?

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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by john bickar 3/21/2021, 12:44 am

No problem.

I'm assuming you mean putting it someplace like the front strap of a 1911 grip, not wrapping your elbow up with it. Laughing
john bickar
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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by xman 3/21/2021, 8:49 am

john bickar wrote:No problem.

I'm assuming you mean putting it someplace like the front strap of a 1911 grip, not wrapping your elbow up with it. Laughing
Just wrapping the grips not the elbow ..funny

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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by PhotoEscape 3/21/2021, 1:19 pm

How about this?  Is it allowed?

Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Img_5111

Not sure why image is rotated, but ......


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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by xman 3/21/2021, 1:35 pm

PhotoEscape wrote:How about this?  Is it allowed?

Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Img_5111

Not sure why image is rotated, but ......

So far no comment on allowance or not. Still curious about the "spirit" and "unfair advantage" angle.

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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by CR10X 3/21/2021, 2:15 pm

Depends on what matches you are competing in.  For example, not OK for NRA Distinguished Revolver.  

3.3 Distinguished Revolver
(f) The following are not allowed. Trigger shoes, compensators of type or design; any external trigger stop device; any internal trigger stop not originally installed by the factory as original equipment in stock revolvers of the same make and model; tape on the stocks or stocks flared at the base.  

So if you are pursuing DR points you might want to forgo for consistency (or  not, your choice). 

OK for NRA 2700 (Pistol or Revolver), CMP 2700 (Match Pistols) and even EIC Service Revolver (if you are shooting a S&W Model 15 revolver or EIC approved Service Pistol.)  Funny thing is CMP allows tape but not Pachmayr wrap around grips for Service Pistol?

Usually checking the specific equipment requirements for each type of competition is better than searches.


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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by xman 3/21/2021, 2:44 pm

"Usually checking the specific equipment requirements for each type of competition is better than searches."

I did look at the rule books PDFs and I must have missed the NRA DR.  

Saw no mention in NRA or CMP or straight EIC. Does the fact that tape/grip tape being omitted make it legal?

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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by CR10X 3/21/2021, 3:51 pm

I think that the CMP specifically says "tape " is ok for service pistol / revolver. NRA (except DR) and CMP Match Pistol are silent so ok if you don't create other issues (like wrist support, see above). Most rule body organizations craft language as either required or not allowed. Not mentioned is generally ok (until some killjoy brings it up and starts a round with the rule crafters).


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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by xman 3/21/2021, 4:43 pm

If I elect to go the grip tape route I will just let equipment check do their thing and if they deny the tape I will ask for a Jury ruling. If that is the proper forum to make the final decision.
Thanks for the input.

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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by Wes Lorenz 3/21/2021, 7:45 pm

Hi xman,
I would say to ask for the jury ruling as soon as you sign up in the morning. That way the three jurists can go thru all of the rule books before the 2700. It would suck if you did right before an NRA DR EIC.
Just my .02
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by xman 3/21/2021, 8:27 pm

Wes Lorenz wrote:Hi xman,
I would say to ask for the jury ruling as soon as you sign up in the morning. That way the three jurists can go thru all of the rule books before the 2700. It would suck if you did right before an NRA DR EIC.
Just my .02

I will not be doing the DR just the 2700 and the EIC and the lower will be the same for both, just a change of uppers. So a single Equipment Check for my 22 should cover me for both events.

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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by CR10X 3/22/2021, 6:05 am

My two cents. 

Just remember a "jury" is generally of your "peers" so it pays to know the rules (or lack there of).  At this point, you've probably read the rules more than the average pool of jury members. 

If you want better resource (than us on the list), typically CMP EIC equipment check personnel (at the big CMP Matches) are up on their rules and / or find a NRA Referee if you can for NRA (typically at a Regional or State Match).

For CMP matches, if there is a check in for trigger weight for Match Pistols (like there is for Service Pistol / EIC), they will have to opportunity to see it.   Most NRA matches don't bother, relying on the competitors, but some Regionals / Nationals will weigh and check random pistols on the line.  NRA will also have people to check your gun out prior to the match at the Nationals like CMP at Nationals.  

For your local matches, my advise is that since you know it's not allowed for DR and not mentioned otherwise, don't worry about it, just shoot the damn thing and wait for a protest (if there is one). (Based on my reading I would allow at the NRA Approved match that I run since you would not be shooting a DR match.) 



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Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots Empty Re: Grip Tape on a 22 in NRA and EIC shoots

Post by Rotwang 3/22/2021, 8:08 am

CR10X wrote:
OK for NRA 2700 (Pistol or Revolver), CMP 2700 (Match Pistols) and even EIC Service Revolver (if you are shooting a S&W Model 15 revolver or EIC approved Service Pistol.)  Funny thing is CMP allows tape but not Pachmayr wrap around grips for Service Pistol?

You could run into someone that came up in the old days when EIC pistols were very strictly regulated and they could think that tape wrapped around a grip would be like a wrap around grip.  I was told that the wrap around grip could be used to cover a small set screw put into the back of the gun to allow quick weight adjustments after an inspection.  

If the tape made a grip safety inoperative then you couldn't use it.  Sometimes rule questions have to be very specific.


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