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What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on?

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What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on? Empty What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on?

Post by kc.crawford.7 3/27/2021, 5:59 am

Good Day, I'm asking everyone that has used the Kodiak shades on their dot to please list what dot it is.  Trying to compile a list of all the dots that the shades will work on.

Thanks in advance.

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What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on? Empty Re: What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on?

Post by james r chapman 3/27/2021, 7:33 am

Sounds kinda shady there !

james r chapman
james r chapman

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What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on? Empty Re: What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on?

Post by Workinman 3/28/2021, 6:30 pm

Aimpoint TL


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What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on? Empty Re: What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on?

Post by rich.tullo 3/29/2021, 5:25 pm

Primary Arms Old Models ok ,new models even better. 

Sig should be good too.

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What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on? Empty Re: What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on?

Post by dieselguy624 3/30/2021, 7:23 am

I'd love to have shades on my Sig Romeo 5 dots!


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What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on? Empty Re: What dot's will the Kodiak shades fit on?

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