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Overdue visit to the Optomitrist

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Overdue visit to the Optomitrist Empty Overdue visit to the Optomitrist

Post by Schaumannk 3/27/2021, 11:26 am

I was overdue for new glasses having put off my trip around due to Covid.  I have a fairly serious astigmatism but in my shooting eye have no correction other than for presbyopia.  That is, I am not either near or far sighted.  
   Got the new glasses yesterday, and immediately tried them out.  I see a nice round crisp dot.  
Being able to see the dot, makes it much easier for me to just ignore it and work the trigger.  
  I know it sounds counter intuitive, but has anyone else experienced what I am talking about?  Seeing something clearly enables you to look around it.  The dot is no longer drawing my eye because my eye is no longer trying unsuccessfully to bring it into focus?


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Location : Cheyenne, WY

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Overdue visit to the Optomitrist Empty Re: Overdue visit to the Optomitrist

Post by Outthere 3/28/2021, 5:35 am

Are you wearing an occluder?

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Join date : 2013-03-20

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Overdue visit to the Optomitrist Empty Re: Overdue visit to the Optomitrist

Post by Schaumannk 3/28/2021, 10:28 am

Outthere wrote:Are you wearing an occluder?
I am usually not.   I was for a while with the old glasses because if I left my off eye open, and the targets were close together I would see two of them.   I may got back to one after I am able to get outdoors.
But if you are talking about the ones with the pin hole,  no, never used one.


Posts : 618
Join date : 2011-06-11
Location : Cheyenne, WY

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Overdue visit to the Optomitrist Empty Re: Overdue visit to the Optomitrist

Post by David R 3/28/2021, 6:13 pm

I had the same problem.  "covid eyes"  It had been a couple of years since they were checked.  The dot was a bar  twice as wide as the dot.

I got my eyes checked and new glasses.  Now the bar was turned about 90* from where it was before.  Still 2 dots wide.  I went back to the eye doctor and explained what was going on.  He rechecked my  eyes.   He even put the old style glasses on me and let me turn the knob to get the right setup.   He also said if it was still a problem I could bring my gun.  

Now the dot is round with no flares or anything.   Nice.

Your score should go up!
David R
David R

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Overdue visit to the Optomitrist Empty Re: Overdue visit to the Optomitrist

Post by Outthere 3/29/2021, 6:15 am

Schaumannk wrote:
Outthere wrote:Are you wearing an occluder?
I am usually not.   I was for a while with the old glasses because if I left my off eye open, and the targets were close together I would see two of them.   I may got back to one after I am able to get outdoors.
But if you are talking about the ones with the pin hole,  no, never used one.
I'm talking about the flip-up ones that clip to your glasses. No pinhole.

Flip it down to shoot, flip it up to load magazines and score.

Posts : 307
Join date : 2013-03-20

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Overdue visit to the Optomitrist Empty Re: Overdue visit to the Optomitrist

Post by Schaumannk 3/29/2021, 2:04 pm

Outthere wrote:
Schaumannk wrote:
Outthere wrote:Are you wearing an occluder?
I am usually not.   I was for a while with the old glasses because if I left my off eye open, and the targets were close together I would see two of them.   I may got back to one after I am able to get outdoors.
But if you are talking about the ones with the pin hole,  no, never used one.
I'm talking about the flip-up ones that clip to your glasses. No pinhole.

Flip it down to shoot, flip it up to load magazines and score.
I use a piece of tape, over my off eye glass.


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Location : Cheyenne, WY

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Overdue visit to the Optomitrist Empty Re: Overdue visit to the Optomitrist

Post by croesler 4/1/2021, 8:30 pm

This thread convinced me to go to my optometrist and try to get rid of the "flare" in my red-dot.  While there I had him get me fixed up for iron sights too.  For me, a mere -0.5 adjustment from my normal prescription made an enormous improvement.  I.e. a slightly lesser correction than the usual +6.0 I wear.  I wish I'd have saved the old contacts I threw out when I switched to the newer prescription!

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