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Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol

Jon Eulette
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Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol - Page 2 Empty Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol

Post by CO1Mtn 3/30/2021, 6:18 am

First topic message reminder :

If you have time, please give me your opinion on this pistol.

I'm specifically looking at this model:


This is the 22/45, with a 5.5" barrel and 8" sight radius. One drawback is that it has a polymer frame.

I would install this accurizing kit:



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Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol - Page 2 Empty Re: Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol

Post by Guest 4/14/2021, 10:30 pm

Having extolled the virtues of my 22/45 Mk IV (at the suggestion of my mentor) I took it to the range yesterday intending to use it to practice 1911 style trigger and grip, but shooting the least valuable ammo I've got. The gun was fine just a few days ago when I dry fired it. Something had broken inside, trigger not cocking, unable to move safety up to safe position and therefore not able to strip the barrel from the frame. Frozen.

Called Ruger and it is already with FEDEX.

Ho hum.


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Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol - Page 2 Empty Re: Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol

Post by Jon Eulette 4/14/2021, 10:44 pm

radjag wrote:Having extolled the virtues of my 22/45 Mk IV (at the suggestion of my mentor) I took it to the range yesterday intending to use it to practice 1911 style trigger and grip, but shooting the least valuable ammo I've got. The gun was fine just a few days ago when I dry fired it. Something had broken inside, trigger not cocking, unable to move safety up to safe position and therefore not able to strip the barrel from the frame. Frozen.

Called Ruger and it is already with FEDEX.

Ho hum.
I hope you didn’t send it with custom parts in it; even stock altered parts(trigger job).
Ruger will replace them all with stock parts. Had this happen many moons ago.
Keep us posted.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol - Page 2 Empty Re: Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol

Post by Guest 4/14/2021, 10:49 pm

No. When I first got it I had a guy do an inexpensive trigger job, just smoothed it out a bit. Then there was a Ruger safety recall and, as you say, Ruger stripped out anything that was not OEM. When I got it back I decided not to have anything done to it, just use it as a spare for beginners or whatever. Then Roddy suggested that it might help me to train with a rough, slightly heavy trigger, so I took it to the range.

Ho hum!


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Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol - Page 2 Empty Re: Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol

Post by -TT- 4/15/2021, 7:22 am

Ruger returns the aftermarket parts, when they do this. They do stand behind it. At least one shooter I know liked the trigger and kept his as stock, and had no further alibi issues.

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Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol - Page 2 Empty Re: Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol

Post by Bren 4/15/2021, 7:48 am

-TT- wrote:Ruger returns the aftermarket parts, when they do this. They do stand behind it. At least one shooter I know liked the trigger and kept his as stock, and had no further alibi issues.
My only alibis with my Ruger have been when I try to adjust the pretravel and overtravel screws in the Volquartsen trigger and go too far. Now I just leave them loose and don't worry about it.

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Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol - Page 2 Empty Re: Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol

Post by Guest 5/4/2021, 11:52 pm

I bought my 22/45 Mark IV in 2017 for $235. Immediately had to send it back to Ruger because of a Safety Recall. Have hardly shot it since, then a few weeks ago when I did try to shoot it had a problem - back to Ruger (at no cost to me) and they very quickly fixed and returned it. VERY good service.

It is now box stock with the only additions being a Ruger scope rail and a SIG Romeo 5 red dot.

Anyone who questions whether a Ruger 22/45 is suitable for Bullseye might care to take a look at this NMC I shot this afternoon. Using CCI MiniMag HV ammo (because it is relatively available and reasonably priced). All offhand at 25 yards, outdoor. I shot the SF target at a brisk pace because I am currently using this gun for "Chicken Finger" drills. The TF/RF were shot at regulation pace.
This NMC is High Master level (22AGG was 869, just a bit short). And, annoyingly, is better than some recent rounds I've shot with my very expensive Pardini!

This is with the OEM trigger, no work whatsoever has been done on the gun. The trigger is heavy and creepy - just what I need to help to overcome my Chicken Finger problem.

Nothing wrong with a Ruger and, with a little work on the trigger, would certainly be capable of HM scores in the right hands. QED.
Please give me your opinion on the Ruger 22/45 as a bullseye pistol - Page 2 Download?action=showthumb&id=3493
04May21 22NMC Ruger.jpg (50 Kb) Downloaded 39 times

Last edited by radjag on 5/5/2021, 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed photo)


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