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Laser Bore sighter tip.

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Laser Bore sighter tip. Empty Laser Bore sighter tip.

Post by troystaten 4/1/2021, 7:49 pm

Was at the range today and the range master showed me a video showing a guy using a laser bore sighter to sight in his brand new custom built AR-15.  He made a little mistake, forgot to remove the bore sighter before he shot the first shot.  The muzzle brake shattered and sent pieces all over the place.  Luckley nobody was hurt but the barrel and bore sighter was ruined. The shooter looked a little surprised in the video Shocked


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Laser Bore sighter tip. Empty Re: Laser Bore sighter tip.

Post by Asa Yam 4/2/2021, 5:31 pm

troystaten wrote:Was at the range today and the range master showed me a video showing a guy using a laser bore sighter to sight in his brand new custom built AR-15.  He made a little mistake, forgot to remove the bore sighter before he shot the first shot.  The muzzle brake shattered and sent pieces all over the place.
Reminds me of the one a few years ago, where someone in Vancouver, WA fired a Savage hunting rifle with the boresighter spud still in the barrel.  Some really nice pictures of a banana peeled barrel showed up on the web after that one...

Asa Yam

Posts : 197
Join date : 2018-09-15

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