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Refinishing Aluminum Alloy Frame..??

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Refinishing Aluminum Alloy Frame..??  Empty Refinishing Aluminum Alloy Frame..??

Post by Tim:H11 Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:51 am

I have a Colt Agent that I might be interested in having refinished. The problem is that this isn’t just a blued steel gun. It’s an aluminum alloy frame. I don’t know what kind of finish Colt would have used on this gun back in 1969. Does anyone here know what kind of finish might’ve been used and who can replicate that today? Thanks

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Refinishing Aluminum Alloy Frame..??  Empty Re: Refinishing Aluminum Alloy Frame..??

Post by javaduke Tue Apr 06, 2021 11:39 am

Well, if it's aluminum, you pretty much have two choices, either anodizing or spray paint. Brownells Alumahyde is one option, Cerakote may be a bit more durable if applied correctly.


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Refinishing Aluminum Alloy Frame..??  Empty Re: Refinishing Aluminum Alloy Frame..??

Post by Wobbley Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:38 pm

Very likely the finish was a bright sulfuric acid anodizing dyed black. It is still being used today, but decorative finishes are a bit harder to find. You also have to find an anodized that can accept firearms (has an FFL). Here is a brochure web page on the process.


You can actually anodize at home if you don’t care about the brightness of the finish. Here is a how-to.


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