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Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision

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Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision Empty Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision

Post by Froneck Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:12 pm

Being I'm getting near my .22 conversion for the 1911 completed. I'll be looking for a good red Dot soon! I have quite a few that I'm not using and a few I never mounted. I hate the night vision option, I never imagine shooting competition in the dark! Night vision lowers the number of setting available so that intensity changes quite a bit from one setting to another. I also like the numbered clicks rather than the electronic push button. That way I know what number I like, try it if the conditions are such that a change is needed usually one click up or donw is all that's needed! If I find a good one I might get a few for my 1911s in .45ACP maybe my other .22 though my MatchGun2 has the Aimpoint 9000 mounted. Any suggestions??


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Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision Empty Re: Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision

Post by chiz1180 Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:27 pm

Aimpoint micro (or clone)  if you like the micro dots, otherwise 9000SC. I have matchdots on most of my guns, I feel like aimpoints are made better.

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Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision Empty Re: Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision

Post by Froneck Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:09 pm

I have both Leupold Freedom Red Dot and Aimpoint 9000SC both have night vision and not many daylight settings! I talked to both Leupold and Aimpoint explained why target shooter do not want night vision. I know what it will take to change them and it will be very easy! So I asked why not make it an option? That or purchase the scope and send it for up-grade for a small fee! Both said they were thinking about it but not available yet! So I refuse to buy any Red Dot with night vision, Red Dot makers especially Aimpoint know it was the pistol competition shooter that made the Red Dot popular!


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Age : 77

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Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision Empty Re: Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision

Post by chiz1180 Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:24 pm

Personally have never found someone complain that their aimpoint did not have adequate brightness settings. Bullseye guns with tube style dots are the great minority of dots on pistols. Most outside of bullseye circles consider the tube style dots we use to be for carbines, rifles and shotguns. The 'tacticool' group is a far bigger market, night vision is cool, therefore manufactures put it in their product. Changing parameters on a small pcb can often be difficult especially if it is being designed for ultimate robustness.

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Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision Empty Re: Red Dot Sight Quality without night vision

Post by Froneck Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:45 pm

Chiz, I beg to differ with you! I know quite a few High Masters that don't like the night vision because of the limited number of settings due to a few are used for night vision. Furthermore all of the early red dots were tube. At the time the Red Dot scope was not used much by the rifle shooters. It was a shooter that mounted an early Aimpoint on his pistols and won National Matches at Camp Perry that started the Red Dot demand. That shooter was in all the Ads for Aimpoint Red Dots with them on his pistols! In a short time there were quite a few brands selling to Pistol shooters and all were tube type. Ultradot became very popular and it's tube type is still used today. I think Team Ultradot uses tube type scopes and the Army AMU uses the Aimpoint 9000SC! My son Adam complained quite a bit about the limited number settings and came in 2nd in a Bianchi type match because it was an overcast day and one setting was not very visible and the next click was so bright he could not see the X ring and came in 2nd by X count. He was leading the match up to the Mover at which they shoot at a target moving 10 feet/second. Top shooters shoot perfect score and Xs are very important! Ultradot started putting a very low light range on their settings but if my memory is correct there was a big jump in intensity between 5 and 6. Lary's guns at Camp Perry had a guy from Ultradot changing them plus had a number of them for sale that were changed!
 The AR15 craze started the demand for Red Dot's on the AR, 1/2 of those shooters can't hit the side of a barn from the inside! They are buying Red Dots so the industry forgot about the pistol competition shooter and ran to where the money was. If you notice most of the AR shooter are using the Micros! Most of those have night vision settings!


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Join date : 2014-04-05
Age : 77

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