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Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy

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Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy Empty Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy

Post by devildog Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:31 pm

April Fools.  I cannot recommend this.  It is a fool's errand.

After looking at the 9mm load section and checking around I acquired some Zero 115 JHP and some N340. I come from a rifle background, and so my thinking was "OK, if guys are loading this to 1.12 COAL, 1.14 (or more) sounds even better." All rounds case gauged and passed the plonk test in my new KKM barrel. Started laddering light charges with COAL of 1.14.

Nope.  Started shooting, and nothing worked.  Shots would not group, at all.  Every round was a flyer, off call (from a rest).  I started losing faith in the pistol, the components, myself, the world, etc.

I looked on the ground, and every piece of brass was badly burned on one side with soot, a sure sign of light pressure not allowing the case to expand and seal in the chamber.  I came home and the books I have list COALs for 115 JHP of 1.07 to 1.09.  I looked, and Atlanta Arms loads similar ammo to 1.075. Laddered charges with COAL of 1.09, and now the pistol tears out the center at 25 (and not too shabby at 50). Loads are still light, but minimal soot on the brass.

I am not a novice shooter or reloader, but sometimes I must learn stuff the hard way. Posting this hopefully to save anyone in the future from three trips to the range (45 minutes one way) like I had to make last week.

Lessons learned:
1. "Less jump to the lands" is not a pistol thing (as far as I know)
2. 90% of the work on established accurate loads has been done for you; don't fight it

Reloading war story (ha).

Posts : 30
Join date : 2015-02-18

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Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy Empty Re: Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy

Post by spursnguns Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:19 pm

devildog wrote:
2. 90% of the work on established accurate loads has been done for you; don't fight it

Amen, devildog.  Amen.



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Age : 66
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Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy Empty Re: Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy

Post by S148 Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:30 pm

Which Zero JHP bullet? The RN or conical version?

What was your N340 charge weight?   Thanks.


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Join date : 2017-07-04

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Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy Empty Re: Loading bullets long for less jump and better accuracy

Post by devildog Tue Apr 13, 2021 9:51 pm

S148 wrote:Which Zero JHP bullet? The RN or conical version?

What was your N340 charge weight?   Thanks.
I have the rounded ones (#125).

Shooting 10-shot groups, it came down to:
4.8 - 1125fps, Σ 17
5.0 - 1155fps, Σ 18

Felt recoil was indistinguishable between the two (5.2 was significantly more). Groups were virtually the same at 25, 5.0 was noticeably smaller at 50. So I went with 5.0. Well within my below average capability.

Standard disclaimers: don't believe anything on the internet, what works for me may not work for you, start low and work up, be careful, etc.

Posts : 30
Join date : 2015-02-18

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