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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by beeser 4/18/2021, 9:18 am

I just received a new MatchGun MG2 and find the grip does not fit nearly as well as the Rink grips on my Pardini SP and HP.  They of course can be modified to fit better but the Rink grips fit perfectly without alteration.  Would the same be true if I purchased another Rink grip for the MG2?


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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by Guest 4/18/2021, 10:05 am

I love Rink grips. I tried a Rink on an MG2 (now sold). The only problem was that Rink do not make a specific "upright" version - which I prefer on Pardini and, previously, Walther GSP. But, I solved that by inserting a wood shim between back end of frame and top of grip. Grip rotated forward and I got the angle I prefer. Had to shave a little wood to give clearance for the trigger, but not difficult.

However. If I owned an MG2 I would order a custom grip through Kang. Mr. Morini is a master grip maker and would surely be the best solution.


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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by Jon Eulette 4/18/2021, 12:56 pm

The Match Guns grip is a Match Guns grip by Cesare Morini who owns Match Guns. He does not make custom grips anymore. I have custom Rinks on my MG pistols. The standard Rink grips feel pretty good on the MG2 and are different than the factory MG2 grip. Most Rinks seem similar on all the pistols I've tried them on. So they should feel close to whats on your Pardini's.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by beeser 4/18/2021, 6:50 pm

Jon Eulette wrote:The Match Guns grip is a Match Guns grip by Cesare Morini who owns Match Guns. He does not make custom grips anymore. I have custom Rinks on my MG pistols. The standard Rink grips feel pretty good on the MG2 and are different than the factory MG2 grip. Most Rinks seem similar on all the pistols I've tried them on. So they should feel close to whats on your Pardini's.
Thanks Jon, I was hoping that would be the case.  I didn't want to mess around with modifying the stock MG2 grip.  The Rinks on my Pardini's fit perfectly for me.


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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by BerryhillAC 4/19/2021, 7:39 am

If you like, I can 3d scan your current Pardini grip and remake it (via 3d printing with a wood composite material) for your MatchGun.  In the process I can also adjust the grip angle to wherever you'd like like.  Search this site and TargetTalk for lots of reviews of my work and check out [url=PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com]PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com[/url] for more information and lots of pictures.  Thanks for looking and let me know if you have any questions.

All best,

Precision Target Pistol Grips


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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by larvatus 6/30/2021, 3:27 pm

BerryhillAC wrote:If you like, I can 3d scan your current Pardini grip and remake it (via 3d printing with a wood composite material) for your MatchGun.  In the process I can also adjust the grip angle to wherever you'd like like.  Search this site and TargetTalk for lots of reviews of my work and check out [url=PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com]PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com[/url] for more information and lots of pictures.  Thanks for looking and let me know if you have any questions.

All best,

Precision Target Pistol Grips
Can you do it for other pistols?

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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by BerryhillAC 6/30/2021, 3:37 pm

I like to think that I can put just about any grip shape on any gun.  I'm really only limited by the shape of the new gun's frame, ie I can't bend a 1911 frame to a Pardini grip angle.  What do you have in mind?  I think I've got over 80 different guns in my catalog of those I've done a grip for of one shape or another.



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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by larvatus 6/30/2021, 6:48 pm

BerryhillAC wrote:I like to think that I can put just about any grip shape on any gun.  I'm really only limited by the shape of the new gun's frame, ie I can't bend a 1911 frame to a Pardini grip angle.  What do you have in mind?  I think I've got over 80 different guns in my catalog of those I've done a grip for of one shape or another.
Thanks for your response. I can use some grips for a Mateba 2006M revolver.

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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

Post by BerryhillAC 7/1/2021, 7:10 am

For a Mateba?  Probably not going to find those at your local swap meet.  I'd be happy to make a set however.  I'd need the Mateba frame in-hand for a week or two to get them fit appropriately.  Reach out to me via my website (PrecisionTargetPistolGrips.com) and we can work out the details.

All best,


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Rink grips on MatchGun MG2? Empty Re: Rink grips on MatchGun MG2?

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