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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by NuJudge 4/18/2021, 18:37

To quickly swap uppers on a 1911, I would like to install a 1-piece guide rod, as done in this video:  

Can anyone suggest one for me?


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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by mikemyers 4/18/2021, 18:57

I think you mean a 2-piece full length guide rod.

I bought one about two years ago, works fine, but let's see what other people here recommend.  Lots of discussions on this, here's one:


Funny, the video you linked to was what I started with years ago - wanted to be able to switch a 1911 back and forth quickly and easily.
That was the intent, but I ended up with two 1911's, so one is permanently set for the Nelson kit.

I can't explain the reason for this angled "cut", but my original was modified by Dave Salyer.  I sent a photo of what I was told to get, and the people I bought the new parts from machined their part to match.

Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Img_4114

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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by LenV 4/18/2021, 20:03

Wilson Combat has a one piece full length guide rod. Works great. I have them in all of mine. They come with a special spring retainer.

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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by Allgoodhits 4/18/2021, 20:13

I like the "one piece full length" guide rod with matching plug which have the hole in the shaft (rod) whereby with a L shaped wire (I make mine from paper clips) you simply compress the spring, insert pin to capture the spring tension, then remove guide rod, and plug as a captured unit. Then ease the plug out the rear. All without turning the bushing on the barrel in the lock up position. 

You can do a pretty thorough clean at this point. You can also, then, ease the barrel forward to get out of lock up, then turn and remove the bushing, then barrel.

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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by james r chapman 4/18/2021, 20:20

Like Len said, Wilson
But, works best if recoil spring tunnel opened up for clearance
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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by Guest 4/18/2021, 20:24

I've changed to these for every 1911 I've owned. They have always worked flawlessly and make stripping for cleaning much easier. I love them.



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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by LenV 4/19/2021, 02:42

The Dawson is nice but not for all 1911s. Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Screen33

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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by Jon Eulette 4/19/2021, 05:40

I can't explain the reason for this angled "cut", but my original was modified by Dave Salyer.  I sent a photo of what I was told to get, and the people I bought the new parts from machined their part to match.

Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Img_4114
This angled cut is to prevent contact/interference from the barrel bottom lugs. Oversized lugs on match barrels will hit this and not go completely into battery.
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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by mikemyers 4/19/2021, 08:10

Thanks, Jon.  

If I ever buy a new 1911, made specifically for me, I would leave all these decisions up to the gunsmith building the gun.

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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by kc.crawford.7 4/19/2021, 08:26

EGW, this is the one I use in all my builds.

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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

Post by Kp321 4/20/2021, 10:14

I am also a fan of the Dawson Precision product.


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Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation Empty Re: Looking for a 1911 one piece guide rod recommendation

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