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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Jon Eulette
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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting Empty 1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Post by Gunsnjeeps 4/18/2021, 9:19 pm

I have a Springfield Armory Milspec that is about 25 years old.  Still going strong but I want to tighten up the fit.on the barrel bushing. The OD on my barrel is .580 so a NM bussing at .581 should fit snug but not overly tight. 

My question is bushing OD to slide.  My ID on the slide is .699.  How snug of a bushing can I hand fit into the slide and what is the easiest way to fit the bushing without tools?  Would I be able to fit a .704 OD bushing with Emory Cloth and a bushing wrench?

My current bushing is .586 ID and .690 OD.  I can wiggle the barrel with a pinky in the barrel.


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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Post by Jon Eulette 4/18/2021, 10:10 pm

Buy an EGW prefit Angle Bore bushing from Brownells. It will be close to perfect. Minor polishing of ID and very minor fitting to slide if any.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Post by bmize1 4/18/2021, 11:24 pm

I’ve ordered a couple direct from EGW.
Always went .001 under barrel and .002 over slide.


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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Post by kc.crawford.7 4/19/2021, 6:28 am

EGW angle bore bushing.  Give them the OD of your barrel and the ID of your slide and they do the work.

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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Post by Gunsnjeeps 4/19/2021, 8:55 am

Thank you.  I didn't know EGW had bushings to order by measurement.

Ordered one this morning.


Posts : 70
Join date : 2015-11-20

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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Post by Gunsnjeeps 4/23/2021, 4:11 pm

Just a quick follow up.  I got my bushing today.  I forgot to add Angle Bore when I ordered my bushing but it feels great.  Just enough clearance that I can feel the barrel slide through the bushing.  The fit to the slide is snug enough that I need to use a bushing wrench to turn it in the slide.  No barrel movement in the bushing and the bushing doesn't move in the slide.  I can't wait to shoot it now.  Definitely leaving an awesome review.


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Join date : 2015-11-20

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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Post by WesG 4/23/2021, 4:28 pm

Does the barrel tip up into engagement with the lugs in the slide? Or, conversely, does it not want to unlock?

I got a standard EGW angle bore bushing, and machined both 'sides' to fit my gun. I had to relieve the ID at the bottom for the gun to unlock. A normal bushing needs relief at the top for the barrel to tip up.

Just wondering if they do the relief as part of a custom fit.


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1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Bushing Fitting

Post by Dr.Don 4/24/2021, 8:39 am

Since you didn't get the angle bored bushing, make sure your barrel is not "springing" into lockup.  Non-angle bored bushings usually need some clearance added so the barrel is not sprung or bent slightly when forced into lockup by the slide stop pin.  Explaining how to do that is a longer discussion.

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