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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

BE Mike
David R
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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by ser2711 4/20/2021, 1:47 am

The 45 Auto for accuracy purpose is it more accurate the lead H&G 68 200 grain semi wadcutter or the same Full Metal Jaket.?.in two words FMJ are more accurate than lead bullet?


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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by LenV 4/20/2021, 2:14 am

The TMJ might be more accurate. I'm only saying this because that is what the AMU was using a lifetime ago. It is one of my go to rounds. I seriously doubt it would make a single point difference in score. I go to it when the match requires it.

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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by Wobbley 4/20/2021, 7:15 am

The lead is easier to get to shoot and there are more sources.

The most accurate jacketed bullets are those 185JHP from Nosler, Sierra, Zero, Magnus, or Hornady.   Pick and choose which you like.  Speer make TMJ SWC which are accurate even though it is plated.  Other plated bullets from Berry’s, X-treme, etc. have a significant numbers of flyers (10%) that put bullets outside of the black at 25 yards.  

A decent compromise are the coated cast bulletin from Brazos.  No sticky lubes and they are as easy to get to shoot as lead.

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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by David R 4/20/2021, 8:41 am

I would shoot the lead.   Its cheaper, and right now much easier to find.

I use Brazos coated.  They shoot almost as well as the jacketed, like I can barely tell the difference.

I buy a box of Federal Gold medal Match 185 SWC FMJ.  I shoot those and see if I can get lead to shoot as well.  I usually can.

David R
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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by BE Mike 4/20/2021, 8:52 am

Unless you test your loads by a reliable means, like a machine rest, you are just shooting in the dark.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by rich.tullo 4/20/2021, 10:44 pm

It depends on the gun, I had two Kart barrels that shot Swaged Lead better than JHP. 1/8 difference at 50 yards but both shot under 1.5 inches from a bench. 

I shot my personal best with Zero HPLSWC, 100 5x and 98 9x on the long line and shot a 10x with that bullet. 

Brazos 185 gn cheap and accurate. 

Manus 801 good too. 

People say the 160gn is great too.

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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by Kermit Workman 4/22/2021, 7:28 pm

When a high quality lead bullet that is properly sized for the bore is used, there is essentially no difference in accuracy.
 When comparing the cost the lead is about 1/3 the cost, You would be better to shoot and practice with lead. You will get a better score with the practice of lead, than the points picked up by jacketed bullets.

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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by noylj 4/23/2021, 3:52 am

The 200gn L-SWC is very accurate, well ahead of any FMJ or plated bullet.
Some find a 185gn JHP to be slightly more accurate, but not in my guns.


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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by BE Mike 4/23/2021, 7:56 am

noylj wrote:The 200gn L-SWC is very accurate, well ahead of any FMJ or plated bullet.
Some find a 185gn JHP to be slightly more accurate, but not in my guns.
The best machine rest groups at 50 yards I've ever seen were shot using a Nosler and Zero 185 grain JHP. The right lead bullet will shoot in a good gun well inside the 10 ring at 50 yards. Like I said before, unless you are verifying the accuracy by machine rest testing or other reliable means at 50 yards, you really won't know.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet Empty Re: 45 auto.. Lead or FMJ bullet

Post by Dan Webb 4/23/2021, 11:08 am

rich.tullo wrote:It depends on the gun, I had two Kart barrels that shot Swaged Lead better than JHP. 1/8 difference at 50 yards but both shot under 1.5 inches from a bench. 

I shot my personal best with Zero HPLSWC, 100 5x and 98 9x on the long line and shot a 10x with that bullet. 

Brazos 185 gn cheap and accurate. 

Manus 801 good too. 

People say the 160gn is great too.
On your 98 9x target, was the 8 your last shot? That would be like bowling a 299 leaving a 10 pin on the last ball. Nice shooting! Don't you just love those days that everything just seems to line up?

Dan Webb

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