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One hand or off hand?

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One hand or off hand? Empty One hand or off hand?

Post by beeser 4/21/2021, 10:53 am

When referring to shooting Bullseye which is correct, one hand or off hand?


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Join date : 2014-06-19

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One hand or off hand? Empty Re: One hand or off hand?

Post by Psween 4/21/2021, 3:11 pm

To me, bullseye is both. I equate off hand with un rested shooting. For rifle, usually standing is off hand, but kneeling, sitting, prone, or benched are all supported positions. Pistols, even with both hands, I think of as off hand. I may be all wrong though.



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One hand or off hand? Empty Re: One hand or off hand?

Post by weber1b 4/21/2021, 3:47 pm

Correct would be one hand.


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One hand or off hand? Empty Re: One hand or off hand?

Post by John Dervis 4/21/2021, 9:26 pm

I have seen it written as "One Handed, Unsupported" which I would bet is a nod to the rifle terminology.  This phrase leaves little doubt.


John Dervis

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One hand or off hand? Empty Re: One hand or off hand?

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