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Starting Loads

BE Mike
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Starting Loads Empty Starting Loads

Post by sjs Mon May 10, 2021 12:02 pm

I am just beginning to learn to shoot Bullseye with a revolver and I have a S&W 14 coming to my FFL.  I have read the reloading info on this forum and elsewhere for Bullseye target shooting and see favorite and classic loads.  For the most part they use 148 grain wadcutters. 

I do not have 148 gr wadcutters but I do have a large supply of 125g SWC coated bullets from Acme and 140g SWC from Missouri Bullet Company.  Eventually I will get 148g wadcutters but I want to start by shooting what I have.  Problem is, I notice the established loads seem to be in the 700+ fps range.  My reloading manuals do not show any loads that go that slow for 125 or 140g bullets.

For powders I have Bullseye, HP38 and Zip.  I have reloaded for many years but am not an experimenter and have always stayed well within the manual data.
I don't want to end up with a squib in my 6" barrel.  Two questions:

1.  Anyone have any load they are willing to share for 125 or 140g coated bullets?

2. Anyone have any guidance for how to safely load down below the manual load data?


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Starting Loads Empty Re: Starting Loads

Post by BE Mike Mon May 10, 2021 12:36 pm

The bullet manufacturers would be my first choice. It may be problematic because they are probably busy as bees right now filling backorders. It may be helpful to know what powder you intend to use.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Starting Loads Empty Re: Starting Loads

Post by James Hensler Mon May 10, 2021 12:43 pm

1st question is what Bullseye Matches are you going to shoot the 14 in?
If it’s Distinguished Revolver you can only shoot 158 grain SWC and Round nose Bullets not 148
If it regular Bullseye then that’s another story but I don’t think your 14 will shoot it’s best with 148 grain wadcutter Bullets. I know my 14 didn’t. The wadcutter’s are mostly used in S&W Model 52’s

A super accurate load for my 14

Winchester Brass
Federal Primers
Accurate #2
3.6 grains
158 Grain Zero SWC
Seat to 1.45 OAL
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Starting Loads Empty Re: Starting Loads

Post by David R Mon May 10, 2021 1:13 pm

Lyman 50th shows 2.8 grains of Bullseye for a 120 lead, you have 125, but since its a starting load at 690 fps. 

Also 3.4 of WW 231 for the same bullet @ 692 fps.  

Zip starting load is 969 fps.

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Starting Loads Empty Re: Starting Loads

Post by sjs Mon May 10, 2021 4:04 pm

Thanks guys.  I will start with those last two loads and work from there.


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Starting Loads Empty Re: Starting Loads

Post by Allgoodhits Mon May 10, 2021 5:18 pm

sjs wrote:I am just beginning to learn to shoot Bullseye with a revolver and I have a S&W 14 coming to my FFL.  I have read the reloading info on this forum and elsewhere for Bullseye target shooting and see favorite and classic loads.  For the most part they use 148 grain wadcutters. 

I do not have 148 gr wadcutters but I do have a large supply of 125g SWC coated bullets from Acme and 140g SWC from Missouri Bullet Company.  Eventually I will get 148g wadcutters but I want to start by shooting what I have.  Problem is, I notice the established loads seem to be in the 700+ fps range.  My reloading manuals do not show any loads that go that slow for 125 or 140g bullets.

For powders I have Bullseye, HP38 and Zip.  I have reloaded for many years but am not an experimenter and have always stayed well within the manual data.
I don't want to end up with a squib in my 6" barrel.  Two questions:

1.  Anyone have any load they are willing to share for 125 or 140g coated bullets?

2. Anyone have any guidance for how to safely load down below the manual load data?

120-125 gr Hitek coated bullets in .38 spl should shoot very well in the in the 4.7 - 5.0 gr range with W231. It will be in the 950-1050 fps range depending on the gun.

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Starting Loads Empty Re: Starting Loads

Post by rich.tullo Tue May 11, 2021 1:22 am

140 gn SWC 3.5 W231 should be ok. I would start at 3.2 and work up to 3.8. 

Brazos 148 gn WC shoot real well out of my M19 but nothing matches a swaged HBWC. 

3.5 W231 should be excellent with the 158 SWC my old load was 3.5 N320. 

Trail Boss is excellent for 38 Special just used the same loads as BE less .1 gn. it is cleaner and fills the case better.

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