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Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger

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Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger Empty Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger

Post by emmaus23 16th May 2021, 06:36

Hi All,

I have a Volquartsen Black Mamba, which uses the Ruger Mark IV 22/45 grip frame with all the Volquartsen Parts installed. At the risk of being labeled a heretic, I am just not overly impressed with the trigger. It's light enough, but it definitely lacks the feel and crispness of my S&W 41 and my High Standards... it feels a little "spongy". I shot a friends Mark III with the volquartsen parts in it, and, while that trigger was a little smoother than mine, still not great, IMO.

I do like the Ruger/Volquartsen... it fits me well, parts are inexpensive and readily available, Volquartsen's customer service is great... but that dang trigger! I shoot ok with it, but the trigger tends to distract me, to the point that if it can't get any better, I'll probably set the gun aside and focus on my other target pistols that do have great triggers. 

So the question: Is it possible to get a truly great trigger on a Ruger Mark IV, or is it something in the design of the trigger that prevents it from being as good as a S&W 41 or High Standard Victor?  Am I on a fools errand and I should stop trying to make the trigger equal to purpose built competition guns?

Thanks In Advance,



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Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger Empty Re: Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger

Post by cdrt 16th May 2021, 07:16

I have had a Ruger Mk III with a Volquartsen trigger, as well as a Model 41, HS Victor and Trophy.  You are right, the Volquartsen trigger fells way different than the others.  The best thing I ever did was trade my Ruger to a friend for his Model 41, so now I have two. It used to drive me crazy on how different the Ruger trigger pull felt over the others.  Yes, "spongy" is a good description.

Last edited by cdrt on 16th May 2021, 10:12; edited 1 time in total

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Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger Empty Re: Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger

Post by Dr.Don 16th May 2021, 08:39

I think Jon Eulette does Ruger triggers.  Talk to him.

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Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger Empty Re: Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger

Post by Mike_Anderson 16th May 2021, 15:33

I have installed dozens of Volquartsen trigger kits in all the Ruger MK versions. They are NOT a "drop in" kit! If you want a 2 pound, bullseye type trigger pull you have to reduce the sear engagement and play with the springs until you get what you want. A highly skilled gunsmith can do fantastic triggers with the factory parts. That's what Jim Clark had to work with.
Just my 2 cents worth;


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Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger Empty Re: Ruger/Volquartsen Trigger

Post by Sa-tevp 16th May 2021, 16:30

My first pistol was a Ruger Mk III stainless steel target model. My impression was that it was possibly made in a high school machine shop class and that all the pins in the trigger mechanism seemed to be undersized for their holes in the frame and the parts that rode on them.

I moved on to other 22s before I got around to making better fitting pins to install to try to take out the slop. Shims did help the trigger stop moving around so much.

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