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Deep rust on old shotgun

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Deep rust on old shotgun - Page 2 Empty Deep rust on old shotgun

Post by LenV 5/17/2021, 7:23 pm

First topic message reminder :

I have never seen anything in this bad of shape worth saving. But I am going to try. My neighbor has a Rem model 58 his dad was given by his dad. That may have been the last time it was oiled. It was in an expensive case for the time but moisture (or blood) was on the barrel  and receiver. Those 7 spots have rust scabs that  are deep. Any magic solutions to try? I've been soaking in Rem oil and G96 with limited  success .

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Deep rust on old shotgun - Page 2 Empty Re: Deep rust on old shotgun

Post by LenV 5/19/2021, 9:45 am

OldShooter43 wrote:If those pictures you posted were after using oil and steel wool on it, I'd say it's a lost cause.
I've found several several barrels on eBay. The wire wheel has some appeal .  Some

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Deep rust on old shotgun - Page 2 Empty Re: Deep rust on old shotgun

Post by TomH_pa 5/19/2021, 11:32 am

I would find someone with a glass bead cabinet (not sandblast) and try that. The pits will still be there but you could then judge how much polishing will be required to get it smooth


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Deep rust on old shotgun - Page 2 Empty Re: Deep rust on old shotgun

Post by jglenn21 5/19/2021, 11:54 am

Draw filing may get you down to a level surface..then you can see how deep the pits are..  kroil is your friend getting below the rust..  a wood block and emory cloth in 400 grit will also work if you aren't skilled at draw filing

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Deep rust on old shotgun - Page 2 Empty Re: Deep rust on old shotgun

Post by popchevy 5/19/2021, 9:10 pm

I myself would put it in my bead blast cabinet at low pressure with some fine grit beads. It's a shame at one time it was a very pretty gun


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Deep rust on old shotgun - Page 2 Empty Re: Deep rust on old shotgun

Post by Wobbley 5/19/2021, 11:12 pm

If blasting is an option, I might suggest soda blasting rather than even beads.

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Deep rust on old shotgun - Page 2 Empty Re: Deep rust on old shotgun

Post by lyman1903 5/29/2021, 4:04 pm

soak the area in just a penetrating oil, like Kroil, 

then after a day or 3, take a brass or bronze punch, with a square sharp edge, and scrap it, 
you can use a cartridge case as well, 

that will take a lot of the scale off, 

clean again with Kroil , 

soak a piece of 0000 wool in kroil or any light oil, and keep it wet, 
work the area to get the rest out, 

if the area is still raised up bit, you can dress it up with a file,   or blast it in some way, 

you will never get rid of the damage, but you can kill the active rust and reblue

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