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Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount

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Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount Empty Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount

Post by Allen Barnett 5/20/2021, 1:05 pm

Just bought a used Rock River Arms 45 Wadcutter from a forum member and have some questions.  First off it has a frame mount scope rail and was wondering what the opinions were for using loctite on the mounting screws.  I am under the impression that red loctite is more or less a permament use and that blue loctite is removable.  Will blue loctite work or should I take the jump and use red even though I am not sure I will stay with the frame mount arrangement.  I have always used a slide mount and may consider changing even though I will have the empty mounting holes if I do.  The screws use a small 2mm Allen head for tightening and with that said what sort of torque value should I use?  Your thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

Allen Barnett

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Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount Empty Re: Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount

Post by DA/SA 5/20/2021, 1:43 pm

Why not try it the way it is before you do anything. It's probably been shot a fair amount already and apparently hasn't fallen apart.

Edit: I've never been a LocTite fan.

Last edited by DA/SA on 5/20/2021, 3:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount Empty Re: Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount

Post by James Hensler 5/20/2021, 3:20 pm

I used blue on mine but it’s only been off 1 time. The metal is extremely thin on the dust cover so be careful not to strip the hole out
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount Empty Re: Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount

Post by kc.crawford.7 5/21/2021, 5:46 am

I use red (271) but I don't de-grease the holes or screws.  So I create a "mold release" condition with the oil from my fingers or whatever else may be on my fingers at the time I'm putting in the screws.  Better hold, but you don't need heat to get the screws out.

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Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount Empty Re: Frame Mounted 1911 Scope Mount

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