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Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun.

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Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun. Empty Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun.

Post by shooter1450 5/21/2021, 2:33 pm

Does anyone know exactly what would be acceptable under the rules for grips on a Smith revolver for “Ball Gun” besides the factory Magna grips which are a little small on a K frame? Mine currently wears a set of Altamont Bateleurs as do all my bullseye guns. Rather spend the money now than find out my interpretations were wrong.

Thanks in advance,


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Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun. Empty Re: Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun.

Post by cdrt 5/22/2021, 8:12 am

If you are asking about using a revolver for the Service Pistol EIC match, the CMP did not update the rules about what are acceptable mods to revolvers, after they added them to the list of pistols for the match.  Having said that, their current rule regarding grips somewhat mirrors the NRA rule for grips used in the DR match.  This is the CMP rule:
Pistols must have standard, symmetrical grips of wood or synthetic material with no palm swell or thumb rest. Weighted grips, metal grips and Pachmayr-style wrap-around grips are not permitted. The stock must be functionally identical for right or left-hand use.
This seems pretty straight forward to me.
This is the NRA rule:
(d) Stocks- Except as set forth above, the right and left stocks must be mirror images of each other.
The "as set forth above" refers to allowing you to change out grips from the factory originals.

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Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun. Empty Re: Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun.

Post by james r chapman 6/19/2021, 9:35 am

Can a spacer be used on one side or does it have to be both
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun. Empty Re: Legal Grips on S&W Model 10 or 15 for Ball Gun.

Post by Froneck 6/19/2021, 11:08 am

A good way is to go direct. I'm looking for a K frame revolver so I'm not up on the latest rules.  I haven't shot the Service pistol match for the last few years. I was distinguished in 1986 and have a pile of Custer Medals. I know the service pistol rules have been changed quite a bit, Revolver rules may have too.
Try competitions@thecmp.org or (419) 635-2141, ext. 714 or 729 to ask questions, I'm sure they can give you what is legal up to date.


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