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Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?

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Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?  Empty Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?

Post by Wes Lorenz Tue Jun 01, 2021 3:41 pm

I called Ultra dot and asked if they would be willing to make a Prism sight based on their current Gen 2 or Matchdot tube sight for older shooters with astigmatism's.
I think an etched forward lens in their Pattern E configuration would be nice. (see Matchdot 6 patterns)
I'd replace all of my ultra-dots if I could buy them with a Prism type lens.
Wes Lorenz
Wes Lorenz

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Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?  Empty Re: Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?

Post by expendable Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:24 pm

Aren’t prism sights dependent on a certain amount of eye relief?
Even the 1X versions list an eye relief.


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Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?  Empty Re: Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?

Post by Froneck Thu Jun 03, 2021 11:01 pm

I don't think the fact that it's a prism sight will make it short eye relief. It will be the focal length of the ocular lens. Some rifle scopes had long eye relief so as to be able to mount them in front of actions. Pistol scope were the rage before red dots were available. Most rifle scopes were not prism it's just a way to shorten the length. However currently I don't know of any prism scope with long eye relief needed for pistol. Most binoculars are prism but not all.


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Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?  Empty Re: Idea for an Ultradot Prism type sight for bullseye?

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