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Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45

james r chapman
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Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45 Empty Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45

Post by CO1Mtn 6/12/2021, 7:50 pm

Has anyone ever tried this before? If you filed down the ejector on the 9mm version, could you simply drop a .45 caliber top end on it?


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Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45 Empty Re: Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45

Post by james r chapman 6/12/2021, 7:59 pm

Generally a 9 will have a ramped bbl, a .45 no.
But I’m sure someone has done it
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45 Empty Re: Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45

Post by Jon Eulette 6/12/2021, 9:22 pm

Change ejector to 45, feed ramps on some 9’s are small and some are 45. I’ve built lotsa of 9mm on 45 receivers. Open 9mm feed ramp to 45 and setback the 9mm barrel to compensate for the new 45 feed ramp.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45 Empty Re: Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45

Post by chiz1180 6/12/2021, 9:27 pm

After thinking on this, I think it falls in the category of just because you can does not mean you should.

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Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45 Empty Re: Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45

Post by mspingeld 6/13/2021, 6:53 am

I shot a 9 for a while for center fire. Liked the 45 recoil better plus the bigger holes. Found no advantage with the 9.


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Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45 Empty Re: Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45

Post by BE Mike 6/13/2021, 7:28 am

I believe you'd either need a new .45 ACP slide or have the 9mm machined to accept the head of the .45 ACP cartridge.
BE Mike
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Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45 Empty Re: Can you convert a 9mm 1911 to .45

Post by CO1Mtn 6/13/2021, 1:40 pm

Thanks for the info. I don't like the 9 mm. I like the .45 better. I shoot better with it too.


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