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Matches held in the rain and mud

James Hensler
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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by mikemyers Sun Jun 13, 2021 1:00 pm

I've never had the opportunity to do so (yet), but I was wondering if there are any articles posted somewhere, with information on how shooters deal with rain and mud.  I've read what I would call "horror stories" of this happening at Camp Perry.  I've got no desire to do this, but I'd like to read about how it's done.  Something must be done to the guns, which I wouldn't expect to function properly when soaked with water.  Score cards would probably melt long before they get turned in.  Even the targets might have issues.  

Then there's the inconvenience of gun boxes and everything else turning into small fish tanks, not to mention trekking through deep mud.  I guess there is much more to do with it than my imagination is coming up with.  Maybe different lubrication is used for the guns?  What clothing do the shooters wear?  Do guns need to be taken apart and re-assembled during the event, to get them to work properly?  Do people use some kind of cover, to keep the gun and sight somewhat protected?

Are there any videos posted, of what it is like?  The best I could find is this:

I found a wonderful Bullseye video, which I may have aleady posted somewhere - but it has nothing to do. with rain.
I have a feeling a lot of you may be in this video:

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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by Guest Sun Jun 13, 2021 1:32 pm

+1 re the Bullseye video - very nicely done.


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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by chiz1180 Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:26 pm

shooting in the rain isn’t too bad, but you need to have the right attitude. If I am going to a match where rain is a possibility I bring the following:
-trash bag to cover my gun box. If it is a light rain/or drizzle this keeps the box and contents dry or at least mostly dry, can even make a cut out for my spotting scope. If rain is on the heavier side I close my box completely. Note I do not typically keep my guns in my gunbox, those are in a pelican case. I place the gun under the bag when scoring. I use clear bags so you can visually see the eci.
-large ziplock back for my clipboard and scoring stuff
-extra hat
-extra socks and shoes (possibly mud boots depending on range, the better ranges have sidewalks to the target lines, water repellent/resistant shoes are also nice)
-hand towels dry off hands before firing
-beach towels
-extra shirt/pants for the drive home

In general the targets and backers being paper based do not do well in the rain, target pasters/tape don’t stick well to wet paper either, it is best to staple them on if you use them. If you are shooting a dot, it is very likely you will have water drops on the glass, obviously can cause some distortion of the sight picture.

Most important when you finish up is drying everything out. When I get home I open up my gun box in front of a fan and a dehumidifier. I will clean and oil the guns used and make sure the cases are able to dry completely. Depending on how far you need to travel oiling them when you are finished shooting may be a good idea.

It is a bit more effort but, depending on the match it could be worth it. Doesn’t hurt to have the experience increase it rains at a big match.

Probably missing a few things but the main key is just adapting, everyone else on the line is dealing with the it. Being prepared helps though

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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by dapduh2 Sun Jun 13, 2021 3:39 pm

Big trash bag over my entire box, slide gun under and into my box to protect it and remove when the line is hot again.

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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by OldShooter43 Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:37 pm

Steve Huff wrote an excellent article on dealing with rain, mud, and wind at Camp Perry.  I'll try to locate it - but maybe someone else has it in their "archives".


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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by chopper Sun Jun 13, 2021 8:58 pm

Just remember every shooter is out there doing the same in whatever conditions are present : high heat and humidity, rain, cold, snow, and fog. Those who hang in there and persevere, usually win.
 I shot in fog during most of the .22 match at Pioneer in KC 2 years ago.  My dot got wiped a few times, but you adapt to it. I couldn't see the rings only the blurry black, kind of like I was shooting irons.
 Like chiz, be prepared, I usually always bring rain gear, rubber boots, towels, garbage bag, and 2 gallon ziplock bag. I want to get a couple of them space pens that write on wet targets this year.


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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by Jack H Sun Jun 13, 2021 11:06 pm

Just don't go to a match fully expecting heavy rain and forget your heavy rain coat.  Don't ask me how I know this.
Jack H
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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by James Hensler Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:05 pm

If you use an Ultradot bring a Hair Blowdrier to try to cook out the water!
Or better yet have the AMU remove both lenses
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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by CrankyThunder Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:30 pm

When your done with the hurricane at Camp Perry. When you get home, empty out your box and dry it the best you can putting it in the truck on a hot sunny day and cooking it in 140 degrees. 

Then get a box of baking soda, the big monster size gallon box of baking soda and empty that out in the gun box. 

Close it up, put it back in the truck on a nice hot sunny day.  

No more moldy box smell.  


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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by james r chapman Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:37 pm

Since they installed drainage at Perry, it hasn’t rained worth worrying about!

Now Lake Erie flooding is another story!
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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by TargetPistolGuy Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:24 pm

Everyone is pretty much nailing it. I’d add that a big weather writer notepad is a life saver but I’d also bring a big ziplock for your score cards because the person in the right might not have one.  

I usually adopt a “less is more” mindset in the rain.  Gun, Ammo, Mags, and scoring stuff.  Everything else is out away including my spotting scope.  Bring extra pens.  

Anyone remember the rain at Canton in 2019?  That was a different level of wet.


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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by Guest Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:55 pm

Thanks guys. Just ordered two of these - and I somehow got a 50% Amazon Prime special discount - yay!



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Matches held in the rain and mud Empty Re: Matches held in the rain and mud

Post by valbern67 Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:26 pm

TargetPistolGuy wrote:Everyone is pretty much nailing it. I’d add that a big weather writer notepad is a life saver but I’d also bring a big ziplock for your score cards because the person in the right might not have one.  

I usually adopt a “less is more” mindset in the rain.  Gun, Ammo, Mags, and scoring stuff.  Everything else is out away including my spotting scope.  Bring extra pens.  

Anyone remember the rain at Canton in 2019?  That was a different level of wet.

I remember the rain in Canton in 2019. My first time shooting that match. My relay only had a bit of drizzle, but I was huddled under a tent for one of the monsoons later in the afternoon....yowza!

Hoping it doesn't do that again this year (but I'm bringing a tarp for my geezer cart just in case....)



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