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Newbie: recommended kit ?

WVBE Shooter
Dave C.
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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by mkepke Tue May 28, 2013 3:42 pm

Hi - I'm a complete noob to pistol shooting - been lurking for weeks. I've put a couple hundred rounds through borrowed pistols at 25/50 yrd practices and think its time to invest in my own equipment.

I need *everything* (almost) starting from a pistol down to a stapler for targets. Is there a recommended 'every starting bullseye shooter should have these items' sort of guide ?

Also wrt a pistol, my league organizer/coach recommends a Ruger MKIII. I'm inclined towards a MKIII model with the chunky stock wood grips - have shot a 900 practice with a 22/45 standard grips and they are way too small. The chunky factory grips feel good in the LGS, but I can't test drive.

Is there a recommendation for the MKIII competition (7" bbl) or standard (5.5") ? Chunky grips are available on either.

My list:
Ear & sight protection
Cleaning kit
3-4 magazines
Range bag/box
Stapler :-)
Adhesive pasties for hiding errant bullet holes.
Entry level spotting scope ?
Timer ?
Lots and lots of ammo and targets.
Edit: should have added my equipment budget less consumables is $1K +/-

Last edited by mkepke on Tue May 28, 2013 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to mention budget.)


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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by AllAces Tue May 28, 2013 4:22 pm

Here is what I see as the basics to start practicing and competing:
Pistol - A Ruger MK II or III with adjustable rear sight will get you started
A simple range bag to carry it all (you probably already have a gym bag).
Four Magazines (if Ruger, get one of those things to help loading mags; will save your thumb)
Basic cleaning kit.
Ear plugs / Sight protection
Stapler and staples
Ordinary masking tape (cheaper than those pasties)
A pair of binoculars (which you may already have) will sub for a spotting scope
Ammo - right now, any .22 ammo will do. You may have to buy/borrow from some fellow shooters. Don't worry, Bullseye shooters are always willing to help a newbie.
A few things you may already have: pens/pencils/small notebook/timer or stopwatch.
Join the NRA; download the rule book.
PM me you private email and I'll send you pdf copies of the Army Marksmanship Manual and a few other files that may be helpful.
Free: Watch what the other shooters do during matches; ask questions; your fellow shooters are a great bunch of folks and will help you along. When I started I was green as grass, but some great guys provided coaching, equipment, and encouragement.
Welcome to the sport.

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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by sixftunda Tue May 28, 2013 4:39 pm

If you don't want to order pasters, a lot of guys in my area use masking tape.

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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by Dave C. Tue May 28, 2013 4:43 pm

I shot an out of the box Ruger into mid-expert class.

Get a 5.5" bull barrel. The great thing about the Ruger is that you can shoot high velocity

ammo out of it and it will not hurt it.

Dave C.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by WVBE Shooter Tue May 28, 2013 9:38 pm

You have received some great information from everyone so far. I also shoot a Ruger MK III Comp model and love the gun. I get the best groups fron CCI standard velocity ammo if you can find it. The only thing I would add is that the trigger is a little heavy out of the box. Check out the volquartsen website you can get a trigger kit for under $100 which will bring the trigger down to about 4lbs. It is also adjustable. You can find some great videos on YouTube regarding the installation if you feel like doing it yourself. Good luck!

WVBE Shooter

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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by Wingshot Tue May 28, 2013 10:29 pm

All of the above. I'm a new to BE (this year) and the only thing I would add is to use this forum and ask questions when they arise. This group has been helpful and generous in so many ways. The articles on the Encyclopedia are timeless and I keep re reading them and learning new things everytime I do. As far as shooting practice goes, i find that it's more about quality over quantity. Use that pen and notepad that was suggested.

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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by DavidR Wed May 29, 2013 10:35 am

best boxes are made by strong box and come in several sizes, get it from bullseye gear.com, they also sell many things on your list. best stapler comes from hobby lobby, light weight and never fails, 8.99, 1000 staples are 1.99, forget a mklll if you can find a good used mkll or a sw 41, mkll has better trigger.

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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by bullseyebill Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:22 am

If you decide to go with a Ruger , Volquartsen's sear for $ 30.00 is about all you need triggerwise.


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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by BE Mike Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:56 am

Gun boxes are personal. One size or brand doesn't fit all. A score book, shooter's diary and shot plan should accompany you.
BE Mike
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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by mkepke Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:32 am

Thanks everyone.

I thought I had narrowed the choice of pistol to either the Ruger MKIII Competition or the Target model. Then the coach loaned me his Marvel 1 conversion - and as soon as I picked it up, it just felt a bit better than the Ruger MKIII.

My budget can't stand a conversion gun, but I'm thinking of buying a Ruger 22/45 with the (ugh) polymer frame.



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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by BE Mike Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:59 pm

Most all the Ruger Mark pistols shoot very accurately. I always thought that the trigger and rear sight needed attention, but after that, they are good to go.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Newbie: recommended kit ? Empty Re: Newbie: recommended kit ?

Post by mkepke Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:52 pm

Thanks everyone. I purchased my own pistol (MKIII Hunter - separate story) and am working my way through the equipment list. The masochist in me is making me build a range box from the Dick Flagg drawings on the 'net.



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