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S&W 52-2 question.

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S&W 52-2 question. - Page 3 Empty S&W 52-2 question.

Post by USSR 6/19/2021, 6:19 pm

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Am hoping someone here can tell me the approximate value of a 52-2 in Excellent condition in the box, but with only 1 magazine and without the original grips.   I've got a hankering for one of these and don't want to pay too much.   Thanks in advance for your replies.


Last edited by USSR on 7/5/2021, 7:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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S&W 52-2 question. - Page 3 Empty Re: S&W 52-2 question.

Post by USSR 7/5/2021, 11:21 am

Thanks Wobbley.


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S&W 52-2 question. - Page 3 Empty Re: S&W 52-2 question.

Post by handcycle 11/2/2021, 10:43 pm

orpheoet wrote:Before you dive into the 52-2(which is probably my favorite gun to shoot) remember they are notorious for being problematic at 50 yards. At 50 feet they are amazing. Is it twist, or a decline in factory ammo QA, or follow through…. who knows. My experience is great for indoors.  Frustrating outdoors.
May be it's the non aerodynamic character of the wadcutter ammo causing issues for 50 yards outdoor range?

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S&W 52-2 question. - Page 3 Empty Re: S&W 52-2 question.

Post by Wobbley 11/2/2021, 11:22 pm

There are many, many reasons for the indifferent (to use a word) performance of the 52 and the 38 Special Wadcutters at 50 yards.  The best shooting ammo is selected factory ammo.  You can MAYBE duplicate the performance of factory ammo with reloads, but I wouldn’t count on it.  Even factory ammo at 50 won’t hold the x-ring, at least not consistently.  With a 45, you can get better ammo AND duplicate factory ammo performance all the way out to 50.

Then there are the guns.  The best 38 Bullseye guns are 1911 custom bullseye guns.  The 52 and the Colt Midrange are second-tier performers.  Even a good one won’t hold the X-ring.  Couple that with the ammo variance lot-lot and the 52 might just hold the 10 ring at 50. But there’s an equal likelihood that it won’t.  But at 25 or shorter, the ammo starts to shoot very very well and the 52 comes into its own.  

Where they really shine, IMO, is as a training aid for the short line.  As they are somewhat unforgiving of poor technique.

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S&W 52-2 question. - Page 3 Empty Re: S&W 52-2 question.

Post by javaduke 11/3/2021, 1:22 pm

Wobbley wrote:There are many, many reasons for the indifferent (to use a word) performance of the 52 and the 38 Special Wadcutters at 50 yards.  The best shooting ammo is selected factory ammo.  You can MAYBE duplicate the performance of factory ammo with reloads, but I wouldn’t count on it.  Even factory ammo at 50 won’t hold the x-ring, at least not consistently.  With a 45, you can get better ammo AND duplicate factory ammo performance all the way out to 50.

Then there are the guns.  The best 38 Bullseye guns are 1911 custom bullseye guns.  The 52 and the Colt Midrange are second-tier performers.  Even a good one won’t hold the X-ring.  Couple that with the ammo variance lot-lot and the 52 might just hold the 10 ring at 50. But there’s an equal likelihood that it won’t.  But at 25 or shorter, the ammo starts to shoot very very well and the 52 comes into its own.  

Where they really shine, IMO, is as a training aid for the short line.  As they are somewhat unforgiving of poor technique.
Hmm, I respectfully disagree. My 52-2 holds X-ring with my reloads, and if I do my job, the gun does its job. The best slow fire I've shot with my 52 was 98-4x, and the 8 was 100% my fault. I still have that target somewhere.
What is true though, is that factory guns can be hit or miss (pun intended) - some of them are fitted really well, while some are so-so. Remember, model 52 was always hand-fitted at the factory, that was one of the reasons they discontinued it (among other reasons such as the cost of tooling repair), the cost of production was just way too high.


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S&W 52-2 question. - Page 3 Empty Re: S&W 52-2 question.

Post by flyer898 11/3/2021, 5:08 pm

Simpson Ltd. has some Model 52 pistols. Prices and conditions vary.

I have purchased three handguns and two rifles from them in the last year, and I am happy with what I got.


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