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Detail Cleaning M41

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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Detail Cleaning M41

Post by Soupy44 6/22/2021, 9:30 am

Hi all,

Looking for guidance on detail cleaning a M41. I've found plenty of info on doing it for the slide, taking the firing pin out, etc. Having trouble finding instructions or videos for doing the same for the frame. Things on that half are getting a little gritty.



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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by CrankyThunder 6/22/2021, 4:54 pm

Hey Soupy.  

Send me a email to Crankythunder@yahoo.com. 

I have detailed instructions with pictures on the dissasembly and reassembly with pictures.  

Only real difficult part is reassembling the hammer, spring, cocking indicator, and slide stop.  I recommend a trained miniature octopus but those are pretty tough to come by.  

Since I misplaced my trained miniature octopus, I hold the cocking indicator in place with a pair of locked hemostats, and with my tongue in the correct location of my cheek, hold the frame at the correct angle so that gravity works for you while holding the two ends of the spring in the correct position letting the hammer fall into place and inserting the slide stop at the correct moment.  Its a little bit more complex then it sounds. 


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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by bruce martindale 6/22/2021, 5:00 pm

It's not hard but See if someone local to you can show you how it's done. Gives a bit more confidence about getting into trouble.

A few pointers off top of my head; decock hammer and unhook mainspring housing from the pin in the frame. You don't need to remove the screw in the safety detent. Hammer pin slides out and hammer comes out for cleaning. Don't stone anything. The sear may flop down. Don't need to remove but clean with it a q tip. Insert a magazine. Push sear with wood pencil to rotate up and catch on the transfer bar. You can put hammer back in now. Decock hammer to rehook ms housing. Good luck

bruce martindale

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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by bruce martindale 6/22/2021, 5:02 pm

CT and I were writing at the same time. I was assuming you have a post 1969 model without the cocking indicator.

bruce martindale

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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by Soupy44 6/23/2021, 1:39 pm

Thanks for the help. Email sent! Both of my M41s may be pre-1969 as my grandfather bought both of them.

+1 on I hope to find someone local that knows what they're doing. Still looking!


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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by CrankyThunder 6/23/2021, 3:14 pm

Hi Bill, email responded to with a bunch of information for ya.  Hope this helps and remember the hemostat trick with the cocking indicator.

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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by mikemyers 6/23/2021, 4:18 pm

This may be helpful:


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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by CrankyThunder 6/23/2021, 6:09 pm

Thanks Mike!  I copied the web address and filed it away along with the information I have on file. 


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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by bruce martindale 6/23/2021, 7:13 pm

If it's on the net, Mike will find it!

bruce martindale

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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by mikemyers 6/23/2021, 8:40 pm

I started doing computer related stuff in the 1960's, when we learned to program with IBM Punch Cards.

Computing is like Shooting.  
Input the right information, and you get good output.
What's tricky with both is finding the right input.

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Detail Cleaning M41 Empty Re: Detail Cleaning M41

Post by bruce martindale 6/24/2021, 6:37 am

Sometimes the trigger adjustment wedge doesn't have enough influence. In that case the coil sping near it has relaxed. It can be stretched back but you need to be careful here; it's hard to reinstall. You need fingers you dont have. A dummy pin that slides easily helps hold it while you reinstall. Been a few years since I had to do it but that's what I remember.

bruce martindale

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