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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? Empty Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

Post by Butcher45 Wed Jun 23, 2021 3:34 pm

These loads function great....but when manually extracted from the chamber, these marks show up.

How do I fix it?

Thanks in advance for any help offered.Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? P1090210


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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? Empty Re: Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

Post by John Dervis Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:11 pm

It might be an illusion, but these bullets look too fat at the point.  Almost like they would be for a .45 Colt vs .45 ACP.  They are contacting the rifling when they chamber so either the bullet is too long/fat and/or the chamber is somewhat short. Your solution to "fixing" the problem would be to set them deeper which might help or select a different bullet profile with sharper taper which would result in a narrower point.  If they function fine and are accurate, I probably wouldn't do anything. 

Good luck.


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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? Empty Re: Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

Post by DA/SA Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:27 pm

They are possibly hitting the ejection port on the way out when being ejected. To test that, chamber one and then very slowly pull the slide back until the round just falls out. If no marks on it, that's what is happening. If it has marks on it, it is getting hung up a bit on the feed ramp when chambering. Seems a bit odd that they would chamber OK though.

They are pretty fat tipped. 

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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? Empty Re: Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

Post by kc.crawford.7 Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:14 pm

Butcher45 wrote:These loads function great....but when manually extracted from the chamber, these marks show up.

How do I fix it?

Thanks in advance for any help offered.Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? P1090210
Sight unseen I'm going to guess 2 things.  1.  Lower ejection port and 2. shorten the ejector.

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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? Empty Re: Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

Post by Butcher45 Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:36 pm

The boolit is a Saeco #58 selected for woods carry.  

The barrel is only 3 inches.....so hollowpoints cannot be expected to expand reliably, and velocity is limited.  So this seems to be the best option to ensure decent penetration/wound channel.

The marks are being made when the slide is being worked manually to eject the cartridges.  I now realize that when the slide is worked quickly to eject the cartridge, the mark is severe.  When worked slowly, the mark is very slight.

I suppose this will not be an issue during normal function, and will only pop-up while manually ejecting in rapid fashion.  Since everything functions fine otherwise, I think the best bet is to leave things how they are, and work the slide slowly/gently when ejecting a live round from the chamber.

Thanks again, guys!


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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? Empty Re: Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

Post by Butcher45 Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:12 am

I wanted to add (for those that are unaware), that there is a section in the load data for .45ACP found in the Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook 4th Edition that is dedicated to this bullet.  

Impressive data/numbers, too.....using ten different powders.

Interestingly enough, the same 215grain bullet is not listed in the .45 Colt section.


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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? Empty Re: Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

Post by STEVE SAMELAK Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:42 pm

As long as they drop into the barrel correctly (when removed from the firearm) and feed right, you should be fine.
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Extractor issue, OAL issue, or? Empty Re: Extractor issue, OAL issue, or?

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