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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

James Hensler
james r chapman
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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by jeffcamis Fri Jul 16 2021, 00:26

What is the best factory pistol to use for a 2700?  I was thinking for buying a sig p210.  They have options out there to mount a dot sight.  What are other options that will not break the bank.  Looking to spend about 1500 ish.  



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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by james r chapman Fri Jul 16 2021, 06:07

1911 and a .22 conversion
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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by mspingeld Fri Jul 16 2021, 07:02

What Jim said


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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by 10sandxs Fri Jul 16 2021, 08:00



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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by kc.crawford.7 Fri Jul 16 2021, 08:10

jeffcamis wrote:What is the best factory pistol to use for a 2700?  I was thinking for buying a sig p210.  They have options out there to mount a dot sight.  What are other options that will not break the bank.  Looking to spend about 1500 ish.  

If you want one pistol to shoot a 2700, the Sig is a no go.  You're going to have to get a 45.  As others have suggested a good 45, Springfield RO and a Nelson conversion would be my suggestion.  That would keep you around the $ figure you want.  Only thing you would need is trigger work and accepting a 3.5 lb trigger on your 22.

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by James Hensler Fri Jul 16 2021, 11:54

Sorry guys but it’s a Pardini Sp and Hp and a custom 45
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by james r chapman Fri Jul 16 2021, 12:02

James Hensler wrote:Sorry guys but it’s a Pardini Sp and Hp and a custom 45

Need link for $1500 purchase of same.
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by chiz1180 Fri Jul 16 2021, 12:07

james r chapman wrote:
James Hensler wrote:Sorry guys but it’s a Pardini Sp and Hp and a custom 45

Need link for $1500 purchase of same.
An international shooting friend of mine borrowed my Nelson conversion to shoot a 22 eic match earlier in the year and later on shot another one with their Pardini. Even with needing to significantly adjust sights (I shoot center, not sub six as my friend does), guess which gun had the higher score? It wasn't the Pardini. Moral of the story, best is subjective to a persons budget and preferences. 

I have never seen a pardini in good shape sell for less that $17-1800 either which is a bit over budget.

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by James Hensler Fri Jul 16 2021, 13:17

Hey All I saw was best Centerfire pistol for 2700? Isn’t that the title? On Gunbroker there is a 32 S&W Pardini for 1500 right now and there has been several 32 ACP’s over the last few months around the same price
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by zanemoseley Fri Jul 16 2021, 13:21

James Hensler wrote:Hey All I saw was best Centerfire pistol for 2700? Isn’t that the title? On Gunbroker there is a 32 S&W Pardini for 1500 right now and there has been several 32 ACP’s over the last few months around the same price

That's the problem with not actually reading the post...


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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by SingleActionAndrew Fri Jul 16 2021, 17:34

You cannot shoot a 2700 with only one pistol

Request was for a factory pistol, so Marvel & Nelson wouldn't apply

You need to shoot 22, Center Fire (cal 31-45) and caliber 45. You can shoot the same 45 for CF & 45. But you need a 2nd gun for 22. The P210 would Require 3 guns to shoot a genuine 2700.

Maybe if SIG releases a 22lr kit for the P320 that could count as a factory gun that could shoot all strings but I wouldn't expect a perfect match gun like that

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by Guest Fri Jul 16 2021, 18:17

"Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700
Post by jeffcamis Yesterday at 9:26 pm
What is the best factory pistol to use for a 2700?  I was thinking for buying a sig p210.  They have options out there to mount a dot sight.  What are other options that will not break the bank.  Looking to spend about 1500 ish."

If I interpret the OP correctly I believe that he is asking for an opinion on a gun for CF only - maybe "jeffcamis" might like to elaborate on his exact objective?

I have a SIG P210 that I use for EIC Service Pistol (usually shoots well - till I try at Perry today - grrr.....), but with iron sights of course. It is a good gun, but if I wanted a sub-$1,500 CF gun it would have to be a 1911 45 with a decent red dot and I agree with previous responders that a nicely tuned SARO 45 will be fine for both CF and 45. Don't go the Pardini route unless you are ready to spend a LOT more than $1,500. IMHO


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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by rich.tullo Mon Jul 19 2021, 12:36

The best CF gun for a 2700 is a 45acp. The 45 ACP makes a bigger hole and it is really tough to get any other caliber to shoot as well at 50 yards. 

Walther or Pardini 32 S&W are good but I have seen guys shoot +800's with those and then shoot sub 700 in 45acp so there is a benefit to shooting 45acp that is beyond accuracy. 

I am working on a Walther PPQ M2 for laughs and I got mine to group better than a New Production stock Sig 210 or a stock CZ Shadow but getting the 9mm to print is challenge and the recoil is snappy. 

The 45acp is better for slow fire and rapid fire. But if you have a PPQ M2 5 inch it can be accurate enough to shoot bullseye to get started. The benefit of the PPQ over the CZ or the Sig is you can tune the trigger to exactly #4.4 with out much effort whereas the SIG and CZ are underweight for EIC service pistol and it is harder to make them heavier.

To be very clear I would not buy a PPQ to shoot Bullseye however if you have a good 22lr and have a PPQ M2 or PDP already, then you can spend about $300 for the sights and the Walther Dynamic Trigger and that gun gun would be good enough to shoot sharp shooter to low expert scores. From a bench with the stock barrel my gun holds sub 10 ring at 25 yards and with a Jarvis Barrel it holds the xring. IMHO I think the major benefit of the Jarvis barrel may be consistency and whatever they did to fit the barrel, the recoil feels better running 145gn FMJ at about 900-1000 FPS.

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by brassmaster Mon Jul 19 2021, 19:48

The several suggestion of buying a Springfield Range office and a .22 conversion too is sound advice and they would be excellent investments and are capable of producing excellent results. However, possibly some or all of the suggestions of purchasing a new or used Springfield Range Officer would pose a problem because production has ceased. I saw one NIB on Gun Broker last week and it brought $1700. A used one was listed at $1070. Obviously, as they become more scarce, they will command higher prices. Shopping around your local area, making contacts at matches and regularly checking this forum may produce a couple of diamonds in the ruff because to stay within your budget it appears that used is the avenue for you to pursue, but there are some very good used 1911s & .22 conversions out there, you may have to turn over some rocks to find them at prices that fit your budget. Last, if you are unfamiliar with competition 1911s & .22 conversions, seek out a seasoned Bullseye shooter or pistolsmith that can give you an unbiased opinion that can potentially save you a lot of heartburn and grief.

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http://www.whitehorsecenter.org, click on Brassmasters

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by rich.tullo Mon Jul 19 2021, 20:58

You can still find them for about $800. Other options are Loaded Target which is an RO and Springfield M1911 A1 if it has a serial number beginning with NM. For about $1000 I heard mixed things but the ones I have seen are nice ; Fusion Firearms makes a couple of 1911's that I think would make nice builds. 

New Colt Series 70 look nice and are forged but I think they would need a lot of work to be right. 

My first BE was made on on a $400 Citadel and is was not a bad gun out of the box and that took me to Sharpshooter with just a trigger job and EGW bushing I fitted myself. That pistol Ransom rested about 3.5 inches at 50 Yards. 

The Turkish Company Tisa makes a cheap Forged frame 1911. It will need work from a gun smith to be accurate and likely a KKM or Kart barrel but the fit and finish are very good for a $400 gun, you cannot even buy a Foster Frame and Slide for that price. However, with a good trigger job I bet they would make fine conversion lowers.

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Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700 Empty Re: Best stocking center fire pistol for a 2700

Post by rich.tullo Wed Jul 21 2021, 21:48

I handled one of these at a LGS. For $400 it was nicer than any other cheap 1911. These use forged frames and the slide to frame fit was very good. Assuming you are buying just the slide and frame for a build , or the frame for a conversion lower it did not think it was a bad deal. https://aimsurplus.com/sds-1911-a1-service-45-acp-pistol/

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