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Describe the "roll trigger" please:

Steve B
Rob Kovach
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Describe the "roll trigger" please: Empty Describe the "roll trigger" please:

Post by Wingshot 6/5/2013, 11:24 pm

I'm following with interest, the "Jerking the trigger" thread and read folks discussing a roll trigger. Could someone explain to this noob what it is compared to a standard trigger?

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Describe the "roll trigger" please: Empty Re: Describe the "roll trigger" please:

Post by Rob Kovach 6/5/2013, 11:54 pm

There are 2 types of triggers that people like: Crisp and Roll. Other common trigger types: have crunchy, gritty, sticky, creepy, and other unpleasant things.
Crisp: you put pressure on the trigger and it doesn't feel like it moves at all until it breaks. Feels like breaking an icicle.
Roll: You apply the pressure and you feel the trigger moving smoothly over the distance of the roll, (it could be short, or it could be a long distance) then as it continues to move it just breaks as part of the distance it traveled.
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Describe the "roll trigger" please: Empty Re: Describe the "roll trigger" please:

Post by Steve B 6/6/2013, 9:57 am

The thing I've noticed in my roll triggers is the hammers release is based on trigger position rather than pressure. During a long 2700 match my triggers feel heavier, as i tire, but the point of release is the same regardless. I've become much more consistent shooting a roll.

Steve B

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Post by DavidR 6/6/2013, 12:02 pm

A Crisp trigger has a sear that has a short face and the hammer that has hooks that are cut short. the sear face sits on the edge of the hooks and to break a shot all you do is add enough pressure to pull the sear off the hammer. A Roll trigger, has long hammer hooks and a sear that has a full face or a cut face, the lengths of the hooks and the sear face determine how much roll you have. The longer they are the more roll. To get a true roll you need everything as smooth as a new born rear end otherwise you will have a creep trigger. A roll trigger is nothing more than stock hammer and sear that have been polished so smooth than when pressure is applied you can just barely feel the sear slide along the hooks till the shot breaks.

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Describe the "roll trigger" please: Empty Re: Describe the "roll trigger" please:

Post by Wingshot 6/6/2013, 7:49 pm

So, just as an example, what can I expect to get out of a VQ drop in trigger compared to the stock trigger and sear on my MKll Target? Will it just be a light/ crisp release or a roll?

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Post by DavidR 6/7/2013, 8:44 am

I cant say for sure because i never used that kit, but for the most part on drop ins you will be lucky to get something that doesnt feel a lot of creep being most companies are going to sell you a set up that is SAFE so that lets out nice crisp setups.

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Post by AllAces 6/7/2013, 9:23 am

Wingshot wrote:So, just as an example, what can I expect to get out of a VQ drop in trigger compared to the stock trigger and sear on my MKll Target? Will it just be a light/ crisp release or a roll?
I have a VQ drop in sear in one of my MK II slabsides and there is a small amount of movement or "roll" just prior to a crisp break. In the other MK II slabside I honed the stock sear myself. For bullseye, I prefer the VQ sear. This gun also has a Marvel two part trigger which I prefer over the VQ trigger. It has a very crisp break with no roll. In my 1911 I have replaced the Clark sear with a roll sear which I prefer. I prefer the crisp trigger MK II for anything other than bullseye.

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Post by Wingshot 6/7/2013, 1:01 pm

As I progress and continue to fine tune my shooting its safe to say that the stock trigger on my MKll is better than what I've shot prior to getting it. Am I thinking correctly to allow myself some more "trigger time" before jumping into mods on the pistol? It's clear to me that I'm doing better and getting more consistent results with the Ruger but I'm not at the point where I can honestly assess what kind of trigger I'd prefer. Is it wise to give myself some time to get to where I'll know it's time to modify the trigger?

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Post by AllAces 6/7/2013, 3:02 pm

Try to borrow the guns used by other BE shooters. Nearly all are more than happy to let someone try their pistols. Pretty soon you'll find a trigger that is just right.

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Describe the "roll trigger" please: Empty Re: Describe the "roll trigger" please:

Post by Dave C. 6/7/2013, 5:04 pm

When trying new equipment beware of "NEW GUN SYNDROME". Shocked

Dave C.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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Describe the "roll trigger" please: Empty Re: Describe the "roll trigger" please:

Post by Wingshot 6/7/2013, 8:50 pm

Dave C. wrote:When trying new equipment beware of "NEW GUN SYNDROME". Shocked

Dave C.

I'm currently in recovery but relapses are very unpredictable! :-)

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Post by Al 6/10/2013, 11:22 am

Dave C. wrote:When trying new equipment beware of "NEW GUN SYNDROME". Shocked

Dave C.

2 years ago my favorite gunsmith delivered a new Caspian wad gun the morning of the match. As I was coming off rotator cuff surgery I wasn't expecting to shoot anywhere near my "normal" scores, so I decided to break it in shooting the match. I had ordered it with a short roll trigger, but otherwise pretty much the standard kart barrel and slide mount I use with my others.

It took me both slow fires to sight in, but I shot the best 45 cal 50 yard slow fire I've ever shot (98 w/a called 8. Yea, I know put the gun down...wait I can hold it, really I can). Haven't come close to that again but that's not the fault of the 1911, just the loose screw behind the trigger.

Several thousand rounds later, it has yet to have a malfunction and repeat it's earlier ability to zone in on the 'x'.



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