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SVG target files

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SVG target files Empty SVG target files

Post by rsp 7/29/2021, 1:28 am

I was shooting some air pistol and wondered to myself whether the air pistol target "should" feel easier or harder than the slow fire stage of bullseye.

I.e. if you reduced the B-6 down for 10m shooting with a .177, would it be an easier or harder target than the B-40?

My conclusion after looking up the ring sizes was that the B-40 was harder. Then I was curious what the reduced B-6 would actually look like.

Anyway, I ended up putting together this little site that has a bunch of NRA and ISSF targets in SVG (vector) file format and lets you scale them to various distances.

Hopefully if anybody else is curious about something along similar lines, they find this a handy reference.


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Join date : 2021-05-11

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SVG target files Empty Re: SVG target files

Post by TonyH 7/29/2021, 6:47 am

Took a quick look this morning and it certainly caught my interest. I'll look and read your page in detail later this afternoon. Thanks much for this added resource to this forum!

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SVG target files Empty Re: SVG target files

Post by SteveT 7/29/2021, 7:24 am

Thanks for the target files. That will be a good resource for the community. Much better for scaling than my pixelated Visio targets.

I don't know about scores when scaling down. I think most .177 target airguns will be more accurate relatively to the distance than 22 or 45 gun, so I think it would score better. But, then you get into grip, sights and trigger differences that probably affect the shooter more. I would not use my 10m airgun scores to predict what I should shoot at 50 yards with a 45, but the training value is excellent.

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SVG target files Empty Re: SVG target files

Post by Oleg G 7/29/2021, 7:32 am

Very nice tool. Especially for dry fire training with a target.
Many Thanks!
Oleg G
Oleg G

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SVG target files Empty Re: SVG target files

Post by lee212 8/4/2021, 9:16 pm

rsp wrote:I was shooting some air pistol and wondered to myself whether the air pistol target "should" feel easier or harder than the slow fire stage of bullseye.

I.e. if you reduced the B-6 down for 10m shooting with a .177, would it be an easier or harder target than the B-40?

My conclusion after looking up the ring sizes was that the B-40 was harder. Then I was curious what the reduced B-6 would actually look like.

Anyway, I ended up putting together this little site that has a bunch of NRA and ISSF targets in SVG (vector) file format and lets you scale them to various distances.

Hopefully if anybody else is curious about something along similar lines, they find this a handy reference.
Thanks for sharing the target file


Posts : 25
Join date : 2021-07-25

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