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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Jon Eulette
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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by Psween 7/30/2021, 10:29 pm

I shoot and like a Mk. II Govt. Target, with the 6 7/8" bull barrel. Trigger is good, accuracy is easily X ring with several different ammos, and it is utterly reliable with just about any ammo. I have it set up with a dot and ergo grips, but I am finding that I just don't like how muzzle heavy it is. Local GS has a Mk. IV 22/45 with 5 1/2" bull but not sure if the accuracy or trigger are likely as good. Any firsthand accounts of differences between the older and newest Ruger. 22s? Thanks!


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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Re: Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by Jon Eulette 7/30/2021, 10:42 pm

Have your gov't barrel cut down. I did that to mine. Loved it afterwards.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Re: Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by LenV 7/31/2021, 12:37 am

Between The mk4 on top and the mk2 in the middle the mk4 feels heavier. Accuracy is nearly identical. The Buckmark shoots smaller groups.
Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. 20190133

No idea why it's sideways

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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Re: Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by BE Mike 7/31/2021, 8:03 am

If you like the barrel length that you have, you can have the sides of the barrel cut down to make it a "slab side" or if you want it shorter, do like Jon suggests and have someone cut the barrel off and crown it.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Re: Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by Psween 8/1/2021, 9:54 am

Thanks all, although I'm not a collector I'd still like to keep this Mk. II stock (it's been drilled and tapped for a rail so it's not purely stock anyway), so the 22/45 (or other) would be a new gun to try. Justhaven't had a chance to check trigger and accuracy of the newer guns.


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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Re: Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by hg401 8/1/2021, 10:56 am

Jon Eulette wrote:Have your gov't barrel cut down. I did that to mine. Loved it afterwards.

My older arms find my pistols heavier than they used to be.  I picked up a 4" bbl Buckmark for 50ft indoor league.  I like that barrel length but the trigger sucks.  Seems to be a lack of smiths focusing on the Buckmark.  I'm tempted to have a 4" barrel made for my HS Victor (not going to alter the original).


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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Re: Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by RodJ 8/1/2021, 11:37 am

I can’t speak to new vs old, but if you are really happy with the pistol, you could try to find a 5.5 upper.  Should be cheaper than a new Mk IV and you’ll have the same feel. And if you ever decide to sell it, you’re not selling a cut down barrel.  Then again, cutting the barrel or milling the sides may be the least cost.


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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Re: Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by Guest 8/1/2021, 11:42 am

I don't know whether these will fit, but there are a lot of new uppers on GB
Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Ruger_12


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Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk. Empty Re: Ruger Mk IV vs. earlier Mk.

Post by Motophotog7 8/1/2021, 12:28 pm

I don't believe the MkIV upper will fit on previous models since the takedown is different. Also, IDK about the MkIV uppers, but earlier models the upper is the serialized part...


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