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Range Bag Recommendation

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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Range Bag Recommendation

Post by Padrejj 8/13/2021, 6:12 pm

Need a bag that will carry both a Ruger Mark IV, a Browning Buckmark, some ammo and other shooting items ( eyes and ears, mags, etc.)

Sometimes in my studying what to buy I tend to forget the advice of experienced others insofar as to what they have and like. So, I am asking.



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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Re: Range Bag Recommendation

Post by zanemoseley 8/13/2021, 6:17 pm

For bullseye a lot of us use Pelican style cases and bullseye boxes. I also have a range bag from Midway USA that has served me well, they have several models that are very reasonable.


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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Re: Range Bag Recommendation

Post by chiz1180 8/13/2021, 6:32 pm

I like using a backpack. Put the guns in soft cases that will also hold mags. For matches where I need more than 2 guns I have a pelicans case that I sub out for my backpack.

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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Re: Range Bag Recommendation

Post by WesG 8/13/2021, 6:43 pm

I got a bag at 'Academy' that is pretty handy. Has a good sized center section with a couple of removable sleeves for pistols. And multiple pockets and loops for magazines. Holds all but the brass catcher and my water for a day's match.

I only pack 2 guns though. But those 100 rd 45 boxes are kinda big.

'Tactical Performance' is the 'brand' on it.


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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Re: Range Bag Recommendation

Post by Wobbley 8/13/2021, 6:51 pm

Depends on many factors including how big is your wallet…

For travel, (even by road), I’d look at a “Pelican case” with “silhouette” cutouts like this 
These aren’t too expensive really and you can customize them and they can be refreshed with new foam inserts.Range Bag Recommendation  55de9e10
Then you need a “shooting box” to store all your other shooting  Sheisse and act as a spotting scope stand… except they’re not made anymore. And they’re heavy and they really need a rethink IMO anyway. 

There are “range bags” like this which I use because it’s way cheaper and less bulky than “the box”.  https://ads.midwayusa.com/product/1020438366?pid=215258&utm_medium=shopping&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Shooting+-+Range+Bags&utm_content=215258&gclid=CjwKCAjwsNiIBhBdEiwAJK4khp_V3ZVoylpBw9N16O_a-6kjfxx6sIB25z0nsj9utFneQiQ5kz6W7hoCZiAQAvD_BwE

Use one of these for a spotting scope and it might just work…


You could also try one of these for a shooting box if the gun and scope (maybe even with a foam insert for a pelican box can fit(?)) as a range box??? 

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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Re: Range Bag Recommendation

Post by javaduke 8/13/2021, 10:38 pm

I really like my MidwayUSA range bag, like this one: https://www.midwayusa.com/product/939221689
It has a lot of space, tons of small pockets for everything that doesn't go into my gun box - pens, stapler, tapes, extra mags, ammo, a spare gun or two, chamber flags, bore snakes, etc, etc. Plus mine came with a small pouch for spent brass.


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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Re: Range Bag Recommendation

Post by Tripscape 8/14/2021, 9:52 am

I switched to a laptop bag. Literally tons of laptop bags that have 2-4 well padded large compartments for 14-17 inch laptops, main compartmwnt for other things that can easily carry ammo and ears, even separate glasses compartment, front compartment that can accommodate mags and tools and even side compartments as a bonus. Where - your local Wallmart, Kohls, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, etc. I have a Wenger/Swiss Gear that holds 2 x 1911, Thompson Center Contender and compensated 2011. Along with all mags, tools, glasses and ears.  Got at TJ Maxx for $50. There were at least 2 other options available same or cheaper. 



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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Re: Range Bag Recommendation

Post by RodJ 8/15/2021, 9:08 pm

Briefcase. My old man had several inexpensive ones back in the 1970’s and he cut some soft foam to fit inside. I went to the local Goodwill store and got a leather briefcase and a nylon computer briefcase for $12. Cut some soft foam to fit the leather case and it holds up to three pistols plus ammo and targets (in the pockets). I dropped the computer case because it had a weird odor.

Nice thing is that neither one screams “gun”. And it’s very old school walking into the range with leather. I carry my earmuffs, shooting glasses, and any other bulky items in a canvas tote bag (like for groceries).

PS for matches (I’ve competed in exactly TWO) I picked up an old Pachmeyr shooting box on eBay. I like it a lot.


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Range Bag Recommendation  Empty Re: Range Bag Recommendation

Post by Bigtrout 8/16/2021, 7:25 am

A Plano fishing tackle bag is perfect for my 2 boxed pistols, range gear, cleaning parephenalia, ammo and a host of other "stuff".  My $.02.

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